Qanubast Verse

To Meditate Betwixt Pot Bushes is Bliss

With the aid of a likkle biffter I sit down
Legs crossed, spine upright and smiling
Inhaling the good mellow purple cheeba
Breathing deep the prana of maree-wana
To fill my lungs with consecrated smoke
To infuse my mind with mystical wonder
Sanctifying cerebrum with a sacred herb
Meditating again under gunjah influence
Highly stoned mind separated from body
Feeling at one in a mashed herbil trance
Chanting– om bilybongbob.omnamasiva
Cosmically chonged, mystic obliteration
Meditating with pungent herb to oblivion
To immerse oneself into the mind’s high
With the aid of a likkle sticky jolly bloom
To aid daily meditation, and visualisation
And to facilitate spiritual contemplations
To be at om with the nature of all creation
Sacred kanabis flora enhances the mood
Natural relaxation of sacred oil fumigation
We gain great patience via a natural ritual
Herb aid opens the mind high to meditate

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