Qanubast Verse

The Noble Battle for Man’s Heart and Soul

It is huge imposition upon humanity’s soul
To restrict or impede our personal liberties
Deny our rights established since antiquity
Mankind’s strong Will won’t ever capitulate
To acts of tyranny and rules of oppression
The mistreatments of the state must stop
Persecution of peaceful folks is not a joke
The yokes of tyranny must now be broken
Outraged and fed up persons have spoken
Malfeasance it will no longer be tolerated
The abuses of authority are big irritations
That lack honour nor state righteousness
To deny man natural freedoms is slavery
An operation to encapture our life spark
And to sap our free Will and our creativity
Severely limit our artful cognitive abilities
Forbidding a way since time immemorial
That’s ben man’s strength and inspiration
A pernicious unnatural conspiracy of hate
Teks away our right to natural sacrament
An imposition to cruelly ban and to deny
A substance of such beneficial utilization
Humanity must resist this evil legislation
Unite to fight 'gainst cannabis prohibition

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