She has helped me see the light yet again
By my side caressing my heart and mind
Time and time again she cheers my soul
Empowers my being with calm and peace
Guides me like the morn star to the dawn
And thru the niebla of her sacred smoke
The veil of harsh reality is blown far away
This eternal flame fuelled by her herb oil
Yet again sanctifies and purifies my spirit
Her sweet incense re-energises my sanity
Thought and reason once more enriched
By mystic billow of holy cannabis smoke
To be at ease in harmony with one’s soul
On best of terms with all sentient beings
Devoid of any hate, resentments or worry
Up high in a state of spiritual tranquillity
Elevated by the grace of green goodness
Again to return to this inner place of calm
She shines a torch of sacred intoxication
Bringing a healing light unto the shadows
To brighten up a mundane plane of turmoil
To fill my being with a good green vibration
To feel the jubilation of being stoned again