Qanubast Verse

Qanabis Lore is Our Rite to Religiously Use

We transgress no law cultivating cannabis
There is no transgression in smoking herb
To medicate with ganjah bud is not a crime
We do not break the law of God most high
HIM ordained the use of all herbs for man
The good green plant it was given as food
As brain fodder to liberate man’s thoughts
Yields of seed bearing herbs to nurture us
Oil of qanabis flowers to anoint our hearts
The herb of life guarantees man’s survival
We transgress no law utilising ganjah leafs
Cannabis benefits are man’s ancient rights
The right to cultivate and consume ganjah
Is an inviolable right divinely granted to us
A rite followed by humanity since antiquity
We cannot transgress God’s law to cultivate
For divine Will is to propagate seeds of love
To create a herb heaven, as above, so below

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