I am a companion of the blazing fire
I collect the wood and kindling I burn
I set light to my sacred fire with glee
And feel the flames heat up my blood
I take a twig, ignite it to light my bowl
I sit peacefully by the side of this fire
The flames flickering to tell a tall tale
All are welcome to join me in warmth
Whether gentile, jew, moslem, atheist
Or buddhist, sikh, jain, hindoo, pagan
Or a witness, mormon, or a christian
It matters not their faith or their bilief
Nobody’s profane or a monster to me
All are welcome at my fire to reason
To share my pipe and reverently toke
The herb of free thinkers and mystics
To exchange ideas intoxicated on herb
When our words, laughter and reasonin’
Can run free without fear of persecution
Under pot influence we’re more receptive
To crazee ideas and outlandish concepts
Our brains open to spiritual truth and lies
Reverently and jubilantly we imbibe ganjah
We are the companions of the blazing fire
All are welcome to sit by the sacred flames
To muse, comtemplate, to speculate stoned
The enigma of life and why are we all here?