Cannabis knowledge in itself is power
The power of ganjah flower is forever
All cannabis wisdoms and knowledge
Is for the advancement of all mankind
To sustain and cherish God’s children
To use and also to maintain our needs
As to establish prosperity for everyone
With knowledge of this utilitarian herb
We can implement hemp sustainability
And unpolluted environments of beauty
Natural herb lesson a benign curriculum
Study of therapeutic ganjah knowledge
And pot research must be encouraged
Preperation of THC & CBD medication
Is vital knowledge that must be shared
Life changin’ information can save lives
To propergate ganjah fact is most wise
The knowledge of herb healing is power
Cannabis learning is an exercise in hope
Natural facts about herb are astounding
To educate others about cannabis truth
A noble endeavour we must all try to do
Share all cannabis knowledge and facts
Let’s put into practice growin’ technique
Give lessons in preparing herbil remedy
Coz all our cannabis knowledge is power
With our pot power let’s inform humanity
Of the wonder of herb that can transform
Our world to a place of weed knowledge
Cannabis naturally benefiting the planet
Knowlege of flower powers precipitates
A peaceful planet of natural reasonings
Wisdom grows in minds an’ on pot bush
Cannabis knowledge is wo/man’s power