Qanubast Verse

Home Grown Cannabiz an Inalienable Right

Personal cannabis cultivation is harmless
Cannabis plants are not a threat to society
Indoor ganjah gardens are not a menace
To grow herbs at home is a private matter
A plant is a plant whether hemp or pepper
A tomato, potato, cauliflower or cannabis
They all have the status of nutritional food
All have the potential to benefit our bodies
What we grow in our veg patch is our affair
The state has no business in folks gardens
The govs ideological cannabis war is bogus
A law against cannabis does not have merit
Pot edicts do not have honour and are injust
This archaic herb ban doesn’t have consent
It was initiated by greedy ill informed tyrants
Men long dead made hemp illegal for profits
Tme has come to reverse the trend and grow
Grow on a windowsill, allotment or herb beds
Build a grow room utilising health and safety
The privacy of a person’s home is sacrosanct
Intrusion by state is an indignation and tyranny
To enter homes by force to pull up pot flowers
Is an abuse of power, an act of state violence
And a huge waste of police time and resource
All to stop a harmless beneficial plant growing
What we grows in our homes is our prerogative
Personal herb cultivation is our harmless hobby
Our hobby should be left alone so we can thrive
Allowed to grow an effervescent crop in privacy

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