Qanubast Verse

Herb Gardening Toil of Jubilous Medicinal Bliss

We gather these sweet sticky buds whilst we may
Whilst the sun shines we cultivate the Devil’s hay
We make bud not war, and love all without hatred
Our herb cultivation is a dedication to inner peace
We grow positive vibes via our organic techniques
We empower our lives raising our powerful flower
Tending a super superb herb is a holistic pleasure
To harvest our healing crop is a medicinal treasure
Our hard toil rewards us with a therapeutic remedy
When our endeavours come to successful fruition
We celebrate with a jubilant smokey green festival
Full of joy and satisfaction of growing a herb treat
We dank our Mary for replenishing our apothecary
Her flowers make us cheery and free from worries
Medicinal floriculture is a wise skill of divine origin
A pursuit of the Gods that is an archaic act of love
We cherish the irrigation of this most ancient herb
To prune weed leaves and buds is our true passion
We gather these good sticky flowers whilst we can
Whilst the the sun shines we will cultivate cannabis
We grow ganjah out of love and natural admiration
Unto Mother Maria we perform our gardening toils
Full of green adoration nurturing herbaceous vitality
Joyful cultivation of cannabis is how we do worship
We will grow cannabis remedy and reap her benefits

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