Qanubast Verse

Grow Your Own Cannabis Without Fear

Grow your own cannabis it makes sense
Tending plants with organic zeal and love
Raising bushes you know are grown right
Fed with quality nutrients and fertilisers
Grown in the best soil and finest compost
You know exactly how your grow is grown
Pesticide free and reared without chemical
A green grow grown organically with ethics
A holistic crop cultivated to heal and soothe
A therapeutic harvest to eradicate your pain
A strain of your choice to suit all your needs
So grow your own cannabis if you do please
Have your own forest of sticky healing treez
A homegrown organic apothecary of greens
A live medicine cabinet of tender health care
A homemade cannabis oil to administer daily
A free and abundant access of cannabidinoid
Celubrious healthy wellbeing must come first
A cannabis bush in your house aids your health
So grow your own cannabis as it makes sense

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