Qanubast Verse

Elavation of Man to Open Mindedness

We can elevate man’s consciousness
Highly augment his veiled intelligence
Share our wisdom and our knowledge
And educate, inform and share truths
We can mek ordinary men and women
Cogitate and utilize their defunct brain
And break the chains of mental slavery
Erase conditionin’ that meks 'em robots
Think and act like enslaved automotans
Happy sheeple in human taxation farms
Working to fund and to enrichen the elite
Living a life devoid of meaning or quality
Cogs in a war machine that taxes wealth
Steals foreign resources and creates hell
But we can spread awareness and truths
An’ elevate the consciousness of humans
And create an all inclusive world of 1 love
A world fit for all the inhabitants of Earth
A place of prosperity and propects for all
A world of learning, and of understanding
A place of equality, justice and of honour
We can create our better world by caring
Sharin’ food, water, smoke and happiness
Spreading our truths, and wise knowledge
We can elevate man’s consciousness via
Cannabis and sharing herb informations
Creating a movement of true ganjah love
Struggling to free sacred curing cannabis
So the entire world can feel herb benefits

Other works by Qanubast Verse...
