You are always welcome at the church of holy herb
Welcome to participate in ritual herb consumption
And to experience the mass of chonged ascension
Sit down at the pews where we skin up and chillax
Partake in a pipe of the finest hashish or marijuana
Purify your soul with the holy smoke of Saint Maria
O let the eternal flame set blaze to a sacred biffter
Be sanctified by the burnt offering of pot-ent tizzy
And let your essence be immersed into the cosmos
Allow yourself to be at om with infinite blissfulness
Chat with those congregated about life’s meaning
Contemplate the spiritual significance of existence
Be stoned immaculate by holy fumes of cannabis
Absolve all your sins by ritual ganjah consumption
Sativa services takes place morn, noon and evening
When the eternal flame will be lit to consume herbs
Commune with your higher high self and the universe
You don’t have to bilieve in God to attend this church
God loves the atheist and is forever round unbilievers
The holy herb’s sent to all men regardless of ideology
The universal church of hashish is open to everyone
Yes you’re always welcome to come and get chonged
And feel the spiritual high of the almighty canna plant