It was more than a quarter of a century ago
When I had a rebilation of harmony and love
An hashish epiphany of a celubrious planet
A vision of beauty and of humanity a bloom
A place where logic and good reason ruled
Where a good vibration was readily shared
And the wellfare of all inhabitants mattered
Prosperity created by growing ganjah plants
Hempen wealth distributed equally and fairly
Plantations of cannabis growing everywhere
All our needs provided for by Mother Hemp
An end to pollution, and a clean environment
Ecological disasters to be a thing of the past
The cannabis solution adopted by humanity
A green peaceful revolution of calm thought
The effect of hashish would transmute man
Giving insights and benefit of pot perception
There’d be no hating, violence or deceptions
Cannabis truthes and integrity would prevail
Man stoned immaculate grows compassion
If we all jus embraced the religion of hashish
We could have a better world of cooperation
A world of less hate and more understanding
Let’s plant oily rich THC plants across Earth
Cannabis prophesied saviour of a sick planet