Qanubast Verse

Cannabis Illegal Status Quo Must Change

Profiteers want cannabis to remain illegal
As to protect their vested greedy interests
Prohibitionists want weeds forever illegal
To maintain their control, with fear and lie
The alcohol and tobacco industry will lose
A huge amount of their unhealthy incomes
Big pharma wants the threat of herb illegal
They’ll have financial loss to herb remedies
As they do not want synthetic profit to drop
The prison industry wants cannabis illegal
So they can make money from pot prisoner
Revenue gained by green imprisoned labour
This is slavery of peaceful herb consumers
The cops want weed illegal to keep powers
If they don’t have sufficient lawful grounds
To arrest for alleged crimes their answer is
To use excuse of herb possession to detain
Coz cannabis prohibition pays easy overtime
The state makes good money in weed fines
The confiscation of possessions is lucrative
Politicians want weed to remain in illegality
So they can use prohibition as a tyrannic tool
And pontificate that nature is bad and wrong
Claiming cannabis has no therapeutic values
Will all the time they’ve shares in weed meds
Will this absurb herb status quo ever change?
As babilon agenda is for herb to remain illegal
So they can hassle, steal and control all Earth
But the people want cannabis decriminalized
For governments to end weed deceit and lies
To grant legally free access unto all wo/men
For evil illogical cannabis edict to be repealed
For herb therapy to be enshrined as our right
We demand an immediate end to ganjah laws
For cannabis to be free to serve all humanity
Time for babilon to give up their pot insanity

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