Qanubast Verse

A Lucky Herb of Free Thought and Will

It’s not a pipe dream to want freedom
To wish to be free to grow sticky herb
Liberty to partake in the finest hashish
Gooey grease of the most potent ganja
To ingest the best cannabis oil there is
To be free to elevate our souls with pot
And not have to justify our reasons why
But be able to enjoy the hedonistic high
The pleasurable feeling of cannabis bud
To be able to share our herbaceous love
Free to give gifts of good gracious ganja
To have liberty to congregate, to partake
Sharing freely the quality bud we deserve
Emancipated herbs available to everyone
Folk free to travel without fear of a search
It’s not a pipe dream to envision herb free
For good folk to possess without any limit
No restrictions on the growth of cannabis
An end to the cruel onslaught against pot
And the inhumane treatment of herb folks
Freedom for cannabis to grow abundantly
Let cannabis industry and trade now thrive
Mankind’s most useful herb be unshackled
May we have freedom to grow our own luck

Other works by Qanubast Verse...
