And on the third day God created cannabis
A divine plant of original life giving energy
A herb invested with natural Jah goodness
With leafs like hands ready to aid mankind
With tacky flowers of unconquerable bliss
The cannabis plant healing since antiquity
Bringing respite and relief to all who need
Feeding, clothing and lending a leafy hand
Behold cannabis created on the third day
A seed bearing herb given to man to serve
Germinated in all 4 corners of Mother Earth
Cannabis Sativa in service thru all the lands
Created to ease the plight of every day life
Behold divine weed made to fuel humanity
Manifested on the third day as a saviouress
The herb of life eases the burden of survival
The impossible is accomplished via cannabis
A healing remedy is a miracle of divine origin
Sacred virgin herb oil ameliorates our pains
Anointing our minds and bodies once again
We give danks and praise for holy cannabis
Created on the third day by kind divine Will
So wo/man may live positively in prosperity