Qanubast Verse

A Cannabis Titter Ran Around the Court

In my heart i knew i had no other choice
I chose crown court as a form of protest
In order for others to hear my angry voice
To plead my case in open court was best
I had to let the public know of my distress
My daily therapeutic use for my bad knee
To ease depression, migraines and stress
Bad back ache, and arthritis troubling me
I pled my case, proclaiming my innocence
The prosecutor didn’t have much to argue
His opening statement didn’t make sense
2 days of trial, my herb evidence was true
But poe-faced prosecuter used his trickery
And before i knew it my trial twas through
Legal reason found deprivin’ me of victory
The old judge with pomp ordered the jury
To ignore all of the evidence that I’d given
In legalese he explained without any hurry
His reason was a precedent of legal haven
He restricted my speech then he did decree
For my 3 ganjah offences i had no defence
He ordred the jury must now find me guilty
I must admit I began to feel a little bit tense
The group of my 12 peers then had to retire
I had no time to tell them of jury nulification
I’d a feeling they were guna cover me in mire
The foreman zed guilty wi’ stern exclamation
Guilty again, and then sadly guilty once more
My fine was 400 and a sympathetic apology
The young bobby he was told of by the judge
20000 per day the trial had cost the judiciary
15 years has past since to court I’d to trudge
Public opinion’s changed as research shows
The medicinal benefits of cannabis oil is best
An healthier herb image in public mind grows
The injustice of cannabis law is put to the test
Oil’s an easing remedy for debilitating disease
Crown court and trial by jury I would still elect
Judged by my peers for usin’ therapeutic treez
Babilon cannabis law we should always reject

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