Madonna under the fir tree, by Lucas Cranach the Elder
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Classgord53 Classgord53

I have loved poetry for a number of years but in past 10 years have started to write my own but still a beginner in learning the craft.My favourate poets are Emily Dickinson,William Blake, Robert Frost, Katherine Mansfield and Christina Rossetti. I also like to read ( historical, biographical, Christian), listen to classical music but also like other types of music, watching films on DVD. I am 60 and have been happily married for 24 years to Christine and love to regular attend church, watch films and enjoy the countryside together. MY TESTIMONY I am a Christian and have been for over 30 years, so here's my story. First of all I was adopted at six months of age and have had a severe stammer all of my life although not particularly bad before starting school. I met my first wife Jean when I was in mid 20s, Jean was a Christian who attended the Salvation Army where I first heard the gospel and believed it but only in my head. After a series of decisions made for Jesus which proved to be flawed and false but I started to read the Bible but I was still not willing to accept the gospel offer of salvation. Jean and I got married in 1981 and after less than a year of marriage Jean died suddenly, on that evening of Jean's passing I prayed for God to forgive me of my sins and received Christ becoming a new creature in Christ. Some nine years later having met Christine we got married in 1990 and have been very happily married for 24 years. God has been faithful to us in many ways directing, leading and guiding us in all His ways. We always think on Jeremiah Ch. 29 v. 11-14 which God has used so often in our lives together in giving us a future and a hope in Him for God knows the plans He has for us all. God has been helpful to me so often to fight through my stammer and been able to accept my situation helping me and reminding me so often His love overcomes all things. My favourate text is Hebrews Ch. 13 v.6. 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’ In august, 2012 I had been made redundant but have great peace in my heart the the Lord Jesus is with me and surrounding me in His love and wisdom for the future and great assurance of His will for me.

Scarlett. L. Davies Scarlett. L. Davies

I've always had a passion for writing stories and poems and them I got to realise I'm quite good at it, my main inspiration is my wiccan pathway, nature and the love of my life, my twin flame, Rev. Shaman Peter John Patrick. I started writing poems for my now ex husband when I lost both parents at an early age but it poetry was a way out for me, I used to lose myself in stories, loseing them although I miss them dearly allowed me to grow up quick, be more independent and strong and find my own way in life. I'm currently a support worker for adults with learning disabilities and love making a difference to others lives. Just recently I have been drawn to the pagan religion WICCA and I have been busy studying and living my life in the way of WICCA. I am on a journey of discovering my higher self and a lot of my inspiration comes from how following this pathway makes me feel, my love of nature and my new way of thinking. It has brought so much beauty to my life. At the moment I just want to help others and show others the new me and as a result of this I am now looking at putting my poem writing skills to the test and to the service of others by writing poems by request for people. You may find me a bit off the wall, un predictable and random, my sense of humour can be a bit dry so never take me seriously unless I'm being serious of course lol. Mad as a box of frogs but those fbrogs are very in touch with their senses, it facinates me to watch people and I can usually sense what that person is all about from just one look and a moment to feel their aura and I find I am usually right but it it never fails to amaze me, I guess we all have to have a few special skills as we are all individual. I'm friendly and down to earth, I am honest but sometimes brutally so and so if your not going to like an answer to something then don't ask the question but that's what makes us stronger, knowing our faults and having the ability to do something about them. I don't bite often by the way so come and say hello, I love hearing others views on things, obviously I have my own opinions but I will not try to force it upon others. I worship nature and celebrate the earth and seek to bring about positive changes in the way I live my life and using my knowledge to help others. For so long now I have always felt like the odd one out in all that I do and that there is something missing and now I have found it. Something that feels like I belong, something that feels like home and suits me in each and every way and I'm never going to look back all I have been through has led me onto this path, all lessons I have learnt so far and here I am, ready to take on life's challenges and lessons, ready to adapt and alter my life so I can finally evolve. I believe we should look after ourselves spiritually and physically, everything we go through we go through for a reason even having a body is lesson alone to see if we can look after these precious valuable vessels or if we just abuse them or let them go to waste. Push out minds, our bodies and our souls to be the very best they can be, I always count my blessings each day and give thanks for all I have, all I am and my memories. Without my memories and influences from people and things during my life I wouldn't be me, I don't believe others can make you who you are but they can certainly influence you and point you in the right direction. Never turn down an opportunity and live for each moment. I believe in treating others how I would want to be treated and if they losethat respect I believe the universe will deal with them in it's own fair way.We are always learning new things, we never stop learning about outselves we spend our time getting to know others but do we really know ourselves but should always be on the search for our true self, evolving with the lessons we learn and the knowledge we absorb. I believe each of us go through many life times and learning new lessons as we go and revisiting those lessons we failed to learn in a previous life. In life all that is truly ours is our soul and our memories and depending how advanced we are when it comes back to a new life I believe it's easier to restore those past life memories depending on the age and level of the soul, I believe I am an old soul in a young body I feel like I am not living in the right time but time doesn't exists anyway, and I have knowledge and sometimes write stuff that has come from no where and I do not recall learning it. I believe not even our bodies are our own, they are gifts from the gods so we can move around in certain ways, perceive the world in many different ways, we get to feel, taste, hear and smell all the beauty in the world. Pet peeves: People who don't have the time for others or think that they above everyone and being underestimated. So to finish on a positive note I've never been happier or felt more myself :)

Sonya Ki Tomlinson Sonya Ki Tomlinson

Namaste, Although I am now residing in sunny Florida, I grew up in Queens, New York. I am the eldest daughter of Jamaican, West Indian immigrants. We were a lively family, five siblings altogether with plenty of love and joviality to go around. From early on, I loved creating stories. My brothers and sisters also keenly enjoyed listening to them. But, being the natural artist, I preferred to retreat into the silence of my room surrounded by my dolls, where we would embark on all sorts of imaginative and adventurous tales. My siblings would listen with their ears glued to the bedroom door, occasionally a giggle of delight escaped from the other side of the door. This interest in story telling gradually metamorphosed into the art of penning poetry. Over the years I have written many poems. The fascinating thing about the imaginative process that I've observed, is that there seems to be some sort of bridge that connects us to the creative source. This is similar to what I experienced in my childhood, a quiet space within, beyond me where creative ideas flow endlessly. On another note, I am also an artist. But, LOL, all of my paintings tell a story too. My work is a visual and poetic diary of my spiritual journey. From the highest peaks in the Himalayas to many of the sacred ashrams in holy India I have been blessed with the opportunity to journey through that divine land eleven times. My spiritual quest began on June 6, 1970 with the birth of my daughter. During the birth I had an amazing out-of-body-experience which catapulted me out of ordinary three dimensional awareness into an astounding, metaphysical reality which I know survives and surpasses death, misery, joy, materialism and all that is dualistic and worldly. A space of being in which Pure Love, Life and Light exists Eternally. This event inspired me to explore the intriguing inner realms of Self through Yoga, Meditation, Rosicrucianism and other spiritually laden paths. I have written two books. The first, "Sai Rapture, The Ecstatic Journey of a Modern Day Gopi " portrays my spiritual journey. The second book, "108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi" is a garland of poems celebrating the divine in everything.

Ronald Harvey Wohl Ronald Harvey Wohl

Ronald Harvey Wohl has been writing poetry since he was 12-years old following his father's death. His new book of poems, "Hope and Joy" will be published fall, 2013. Ron loves people. He sees the glass as always at least 3/4 full and believes that everyone can dream, strive to reach their dreams, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes and be the best they can be. He believes in helping people help themselves. Ron loves his children and grand children and believs there should be no impediments to each person success. Ron is a graduate of the George Washington University BA 1965, and attended the George Washington University Law School and the Masters in Business Administration Program at American University with as special focus in marketing, marketing research and management. Ron is a practicing applied psychological anthropologist with a focus in religion, witchcraft, sorcery, and spirituality, and introducing change into business and other cultures. He founded and was CEO of a management communications consulting for 35 years which specialized in introducing plain English into all forms of communication to produce clarity and promote ease of operation. Ron is a Certified Management Consultant and mentor of consultants. Ron has had an extremely active political career in business and community leadrership, including running for the Maryland Legislature, being appointed as member and then chair of the Montgomery County, MD Commission on the Humanities for 9-years, being elected to the boards of directors of several parent and school organizations, homeowner associations, civic associations and other business and professional associations. He is married 48-years to his college sweetheart, has two talented and successful daughters, sons-in law, and 3 wonderful grandchildren. Ron was born in Washington, DC and hopes to retire there as well. He vacations in the mountains of West Virginia and travels the world.
