The Night, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
a b c d f g l m n p q r s t u Tutti
José Santiago José Santiago

JOSÉ SANTIAGO -Poeta ante todo- : Nace en Almuñécar (Granada) 1963 * España * (Gestor Cultural, Escritor, fotógrafo artístico, diseñador gráfico, poeta, pintor, Embajador de Paz - España (WIP), Embajador de la Palabra (FCES), Embajador Cultural Internacional (CIESART), Embajador Int. Del F. Mundial de Literatura por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos (WLFPH). Promotor Cultural: fundador, coordinador de eventos culturales, Gacetas Literarias, Encuentros de las Artes. Autor de 8 libros publicados: * "TÚ O LA ESPUMA: poema al atardecer", con prólogo de Manuel Alvar, exdirector de la Real Academia Española. I.S.B.N. 84 85764 75 7. * HURGANDO SILENCIOS, I.S.B.N. 84- 607- 2085- 6. * AMONTONANDO ESTELAS, I.S.B.N. 84- 607-2086-4 * AMONTONANDO ESTELAS - Segunda Edición - Libro solidario con Unicef - Depósito Legal GR-939-2014 * ALMA GITANA (que años atrás leyera Luis Rosales, “vacilando de paisano granaíno” a sus compañeros de la Real Academia) con I.S.B.N. 84- y con el Registro de Propiedad Intelectual 1317. * ENTREAZULES, edición solidaria con F.E.D.E.R (Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras - coautor- Dep. Legal: GR 556-2014 * KITTY POEMA A ANA FRANK, Edición por el Fomento de la Lectura Gratuita – Dep. Legal: GR 1725-2015 * HUIDA O POSE DE SIRENA, Edición por el Fomento de la Lectura Gratuita – Dep. Legal: GR-131-2016. *VERSOS DE LUNA, Edic. Fom. Lect. Grat. Dep. Legal: GR 691-2017 En preparación su nuevo libro “Se Adentra” título no definitivo. Los libros de José Santiago, son de acceso gratuitos al considerar que la cultura debe de estar al alcance de todos y, por lo general, destinados a fines solidarios. JOSÉ SANTIAGO (escritor, fotógrafo artístico, poeta, pintor...) Fundé la Agrupación de Jóvenes Poetas. El 12 de julio de 1986 se estrena mi obra Alma Gitana. Dirijo durante cuatro años la Gaceta Literaria, fundando, coordinando y dirigiendo posteriormente la Gaceta Literaria de Mnemosine, fundo, colaboro y dirijo Libertad de Expresión. Se me nombró presidente de la delegación en Granada y presidente de Cooperación Cultural y Publicaciones del Sindicato Nacional de Escritores, desde donde fui galardonado en la Décima edición de premios Iberoamericanos de Poesía. He colaborado en diversas publicaciones, a Encuentros de Poesía, en la Semana Cultural de la AED de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, en el Voluntariado Cultural de la Junta de Andalucía, etcétera. Así como fundé, dirigí y participé también con fotografías artísticas y mis pinturas en los Encuentros de las Artes. He colaborado en Radio y fui redactor de la Televisión Local de Almuñécar. Durante mi residencia en Madrid, compartí con Rafael Alberti, entablando entrañable amistad con Luis Rosales, Gabriel Celaya, Manolo Rivera, Javier Sanmartín, entre otros (Juan de Loxa, José Martín Recuerda, Ángel Cobo...) Publicaciones: numerosas en las Gaceta Literaria y la de Mnemosine, crítica literaria, artículos periodísticos en varios medios, en Granada Costa, Newipens Romaní, en Libertad de Expresión y otros. Libros Publicados: "TÚ O LA ESPUMA: poema al atardecer", con prólogo de Manuel Alvar, exdirector de la Real Academia Española. I.S.B.N. 84 85764 75 7. HURGANDO SILENCIOS, I.S.B.N. 84- 607- 2085- 6. AMONTONANDO ESTELAS, I.S.B.N. 84- 607-2086-4 y ALMA GITANA (que años atrás leyera Luis Rosales, “vacilando de paisano granaìno” a sus compañeros de la Real Academia) con I.S.B.N. 84- y con el Registro de Propiedad Intelectual 1317. En la actualidad estoy trabajando en una novela y concluyendo otras obras poéticas. * NOTA: BUSCO EDITORIAL SERIA PARA FUTURAS EDICIONES DE MIS LIBROS PUBLICADOS EN OTROS PAISES

Saidwhattha (N.G.) Saidwhattha (N.G.)

Most of what I write or enjoy reading has a significant amount of word relationships and phrasing that evoke imagery. Whether it's prose on people or life or metered rhyming verses I find that the way they read should have not just metaphor, word plays, and all other typical "poetic" usage, but should also have a visual quality that is some what like painting or illustration. I'm not saying I do this well in my own writing but I'm merely stating what I am going for as an artist. Like anything creative, the more of yourself you put into it and dedicate time to, the better it ultimately becomes. The collection of poems that are subtitled Nest in the Black Tree is a series of concept pieces. The setting is in the Bad Lands (purgatory). When a "Soul" has been born it belongs to the Watch Tower(God). Once one is created the Clock Maker creates a "vessel"(a human body). The Time Keeper starts the Heart-Break-Timer and this would be the life one is given from begining, life, old age, and the end. When the timer runs out the soul must be delivered back to the Watch Tower, but to do so is tasked by the Sprinter(an angel). The Sprinter takes the soul across the Bad Lands running as God's Speed. The Bad Lands are filled by an evil race known as the Wretched. The Wretches are ruled by the war machine Brontus Singlairn. Brontus wants the souls the Sprinters carry to turn them from a life into a Wretch(demon). The Poems are free-verse prose left open to to the imagination of the reader and to the foundation of the story. "Space, Universe, Stars" are part of the idea of creating a setting, being that this is a place of the in "between", and also is a way to give a little more poetic depth. One day I would hope to get the "The Nest and the Black Tree" published. This is where you, the reader, comes in to give me comments and ideas for this evolving story. —Nicholas Gress —Saidwhattha

J. Pont J. Pont

I am a blogger, poet and writer. I own wn Monterey Consulting which examines cost centers at mainly industrial accounts and attempts to reduce cost and get paid in the process. Sometimes, I look at natural gas well cash flows to determine private well owners are getting paid properly. I am good at negotiating and is how I make money consulting. I have a 9 year old son named Joseph. I am in the midst of a divorce. It's been painful for sure. I feel so bad for my son. He's strong and resilient- handling it great on the outside. I wonder what goes on in that little head of his. I worry about him sometimes that he is getting all his parental, moral and general life guidance. What's important in this world--what's not. Things dads say. Moms too. I love learning and researching new and sometimes Paranormal type phenomena. Sometimes this research gets me into trouble, both personally and professionally:it involves military grade weapons being remotely used against Americans as a social experiment. It involves emotion manipulation, increase in sex drives, pharmaceuticals, directed brainwashing targeted media custom designed for you. Sometimes they give you your own private line to call in on. Guessing. It involves the research and study of Electromagnetic Radiation as a naturally occurring energy in nature as well as man made ie electricity I am studying various relationships between EMR and other natural and man made variables. It involves several of the sciences including Astronomy, the laws of physics, chemistry and how the principles and properties of predictable data based on current accepted formulae can be Manipulated. "It's simply cause and effect". Tbc cause however is not always as pure as it seems. There are military personnel that are part of the civilian workforce. They cause accidents to your car, they enter your car and take things pertaining to a book I am writing. Cleaned off my entire c drive as well as stole the printed copy I had in a file drawer. WTF
