I was born August 26th,1994, in the city of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, I was raised to the age of 17, by my mother Lori and my father Clifford. I was born with bright blue eyes and an unattainable smile, My mom always defines me then, as pure joy. As I grew up, I let the hardships of life, and the hardships of the lives around me affect me to a point where, all I wanted was to escape, so I did, I was gone, I checked out, but what was left was miserable broken soul. I was unable to walk ,so I was carried, now here I stand.
May 9th 2012 is the date of my last drink,
May 10th 2012 was the first day of my life.
Today my life is a beautiful mess, though it hasn't always been beautiful,
I'am an 18 year old, recovering Alcoholic, but that doesn't begin to define me.
My First poem was written June,4th, 2012 that was the day I began Wilderness therapy 2,000 miles from home, and about a 3 hour drive outside of a small town in Utah, that is also where I began reawakening my soul.
Who I'am is what I'am learning, Who I was, each moment since, and this exact moment in time, are my guide. God is my compass, faith is my fuel and My religion is happiness.