Still Life with Asphodels, by Henri Matisse
a b c d e f g h l m n o p r s t v Toutes
Kevin Henley Kevin Henley

That is what this is all about, nothing more, nothing less. My intention and desire is for anyone who has a desire and intention to look beyond this physical world we live in and truly question what is real and what is not. Be it of a spiritual matter or metaphysical science is up to you. As I travel through this journey called life I’m left with one conclusion that I try to hold true to. Love, or as difficult as it may sound, unconditional love. What comes next is truth or better put, absolute truth. Why do I list these two at the top? I humbly believe wholeheartedly that this is the essence of God and hopefully one day the essence of ourselves. Unconditional love & absolute truth. The mind and heart of God as I see it. What a world it would be if only unconditional love could rule this world. Truth, it can be argued over, till time comes to an end. Unconditional love is a very difficult thing to practice, but what a goal to achieve. Maybe in the end, come Judgment Day, love is all the truth that really matters. Believe in what you will, but know this to be true. After all is said & done, what really matters? Material possessions, money, power or even simple self-esteem will all pass away to insignificance. Love lasts forever. Love forgives. Love is our true connection to life & God itself. I’ve heard about all the latest philosophies and religions. If it’s not based in love, unconditional love, it will not last. This is my autobiography put before you. I’ve written it in truth & love. I hope this touches your heart, makes you think deep and causes you to question all that society has put upon you to believe. Then reach your own conclusions. God Bless & Keep you in His love.
