You have no enemies, you say? Alas! my friend, the boast is poor… He who has mingled in the fray Of duty, that the brave endure, Must have made foes! If you have…
In the story of Patroclus no one survives, not even Achilles who was nearly a god. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor.
Love Alone Adoring Souls There can be no barriers For a soul to transcend another Between Eros inspired beings
I was a bum in San Francisco but… to go to a symphony concert along… and the music was good but somethi… audience was not and something about the orchestra
Advent “And Heaven and Nature Sing” Winter hibernation in the cold qui… We layer get all the heat in a spa… Settle reflect on the days gone re…
Beyond the New Year What a beautiful Fun filled group brotherhood chat Over the moon Joy All out camaraderie
let go and enjoy the moment day in the life kind– then let go of that moment and move on to the next one without anticipation and so on – and since you do not know what the future holds...
Moon marked and touched by sun my magic is unwritten but when the sea turns back it will leave my shape behind. I seek no favor
“Which of these films was Dirk Bo… not in? One hundredweight of bauxi… makes how much aluminium? how many tales in ‘The Decameron’… General Studies, the upper sixth,…
A Day in the Life share the love light One day to savor Dawn to dusk... rises again One day to labor
At this moment in time, we’d like to invite First Class passengers only to board the aircraft. We now extend our invitation to Exclusive, Superior, Privilege and Excelsior members, foll...
A million million spermatozoa All of them alive; Out of their cataclysm but one poo… Dare hope to survive. And among that billion minus one
What is reality? I am a plaster doll; I pose with eyes that cut open without la… upon some shellacked and grinning… eyes that open, blue, steel, and c…
Last night in the fields I lay down in the darkness to think about death, but instead I fell asleep,
love true we traveled through the pathway of love good better best warts and all endure
Space Paradise ...immortality awaits meanwhile w… You are the one in the dream I ha… Of a luxuriant garden billions of… In that mystical park magical land…
Not quite four a.m., when the rapt… strikes me from sleep, and I rise from the comfortable bed and go to another room, where my books ar… in their neat and colorful rows. H…
trinity of love a trinity of love the creator father from the genesis first person
Royal Flush rare anyone gets a royal flush let alone spade from a five card stud
love four seasons Celebrate choose love touch with your smile kiss softly speak love tenderly The love you give you receive
My mouth blooms like a cut. I’ve been wronged all year, tediou… nights, nothing but rough elbows i… and delicate boxes of Kleenex call… crybaby, you fool!
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
Every moment in our life is a meditation moment-a reflection, a talking to one’s soul in the most intimate searching way looking at mundane things and can run the range deep into our in...
My big sister Jo showed me what i… That there is nothing wrong with b… Jo taught me everything I know ab… Growing up, she was the best big s… Jo always said to me, ‘Nonie, be…
On a summer morning I sat down on a hillside to think about God – a worthy pastime.
Crackle and Spark Joy to life all hope Dark clouds move on clear the sky Let the sun shine through Winter woes be gone
if... then pure wisdom of the unknown leads us to knowing nothing
Flutes and Panpipes Our Moments Springtime’s been gone Almost ages ago The frolicking in the
six weeks cold morning twilights the sun lazily rising sleeping-in in mind second month day two
Zeros & Ones World Imagination Takes us anywhere we want Across minds we share From dreams to reality
I thought that I could not be hur… I thought that I must surely be impervious to suffering— immune to pain or agony.
Warm air season long Now cold breezes suddenly Thermal hugs kindling ***** And the robin flew
Trundled from the strangeness of the sea —— a kind of heaven —— Ladies and Gentlemen!
Remind me again—together we trace our strange journey, find each other, come on laughing. Some time we’ll cross where life ends. We’ll both look back
We move by means of our mud bumps. We bubble as do the dead but more… The products of excruciating purge… we are squeezed out thin hard and… If we exude a stench it is petrifi…
There is, all around us, this country of original fire. You know what I mean. The sky, after all, stops at nothi…
shameless revenant a revenant ghost from the ninth circle of hell haunting the meadows sucking the wealth life shameless
To step over the low wall that div… Road from concrete walk above the… Brings sharply back something know… The miniature gaiety of seasides. Everything crowds under the low ho…
All We Need No Room For Hate Nests are conceived with love Long before a piece of leaf lifted A beakfull by tiny beakfull of mud…
You, going along the path, mosquito-doped, with no moon, the… a single orange eye unable to see what is beyond the capsule of your dim
I see you drinking at a fountain w… blue hands, no, your hands are not… they are small, and the fountain i… where you wrote me that last lette… I answered and never heard from yo…
share the naked happiness ...Christmas time... the season of… brings back fond remembrances of y… every note... every song played and sung
don’t worry about rejections, pard… I’ve been rejected before. sometimes you make a mistake, taki… the wrong poem
pathways through trials of faith of tragedies pains difficulties anxieties uncertainties tribulations
I know someone who kisses the way a flower opens, but more rapidly. Flowers are sweet. They have short, beatific lives. They offer much pleasure. There is
It was Earl Haldan’s daughter, She looked across the sea; She looked across the water; And long and loud laughed she: ‘The locks of six princesses
Cosmos God created Infinite space outer rocks Stars ever in motion. Boundlessly vast yet crowded
Hand in hand Hand in hand Many a road to walk Many a beach to stroll Many more trails
Familial Gatherings Divinely Rising Sun Dawn you get up to a glimpse of fi… Pastel old rose you see as you loo… The same shade spread you saw a li…
Whose woods these are I think I k… His house is in the village, thoug… He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with sn… My little horse must think it quee…
Two roads diverged in a yellow woo… And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I c… To where it bent in the undergrowt…
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time f… And time future contained in time… If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable.
Aquella esperanza que cabía en un… aquella alta vereda junto al barro… aquel ir y venir del sueño, aquel horóscopo de un larguísimo v… y el larguísimo viaje con adioses…
happy birthday the sun has risen once again this time especially for you
Oh billionaires! How you have lost your soul, lost the goal and kneel down
Flightless Hermit-bird A Phoenix Soul A mile of sheer grit crawl searchi… Under the scorching blinding sun a… Calmly shell sizing at times decis…
A Peacock Affair The strength Confidence the power The beauty of the Peacock The passion beauty
He hinted at times that I was a bastard and I told him to listen to Brahms, and I told him to learn to paint and drink and not be dominated by women and dollars but he screamed at me, F...
His heart’s been smitten From the first time he saw her Since then, none other In a breath, he knew ‘twas love She’s the angel from above
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa and Rudolph Chipmunks are out singing Bulging cheeks not misbehaving Squirrels in snow been hiding runn…