The world’s too busy now to pause To listen to a whiner’s cause; It has no time to stop and pet The sulker in a peevish fret, Who wails he’ll neither work nor p…
Not for the sake of the gold, Not for the sake of the fame, Not for the prize would I hold Any ambition or aim: I would be brave and be true
I’ve told about the times that Ma… And how we have to hustle round fo… But there’s another care we know t… I guess it happens easily a dozen… It starts when first the postman t…
A touch of the plain and the prair… A bit of the Motherland, too; A strain of the fur-trapper wary, A blend of the old and the new; A bit of the pioneer splendor
Be a friend. You don’t need money… Just a disposition sunny; Just the wish to help another Get along some way or other; Just a kindly hand extended
Thankful for the glory of the old… and Blue, For the spirit of America that st… and true, For the laughter of our children a…
Ma has a dandy little book that’s… slips, An’ when she wants to pay a bill a… it she rips; She just writes in the dollars and…
There’s nothing that builds up a t… Like a day on a stream, Back on the banks of the old fishi… Where a fellow can dream. There’s nothing so good for a man…
Full many a time a thought has com… That had a bitter meaning in it. And in the conversation’s hum I lost it ere I could begin it. I’ve had it on my tongue to spring
The kids are out-of-doors once mor… The heavy leggins that they wore, The winter caps that covered ears Are put away, and no more tears Are shed because they cannot go
You can talk about your music, and… And your phonographic record that… But there isn’t any music that suc… Like the concert when the kiddies… When the supper time is over, then…
I’m the bumps and bruises doctor; I’m the expert that they seek When their rough and tumble playin… Leaves a scar on leg or cheek. I’m the rapid, certain curer
Pa’s not so very big or brave; he… His hands are soft like little gir… Ma weighs a whole lot more than P… Out in the river all day long, but… But when the thunder starts to rol…
A man must earn his hour of peace, Must pay for it with hours of stri… Must win by toil the evening’s swe… The rest that may be portioned for… The idler never knows it, never ca…
The happiest nights I ever know Are those when I’ve No place to go, And the missus says
No one is beat till he quits, No one is through till he stops, No matter how hard Failure hits, No matter how often he drops, A fellow’s not down till he lies
I’d like to be the sort of man the flag could boast about; I’d like to be the sort of man it cannot live without; I’d like to be the type of man
You don’t begrudge the labor when… You don’t recall the dreary days t… You don’t recall a single care You spent upon the garden there; And all the toil
The things that make a soldier gre… To face the flaming cannon’s mouth… Are lilacs by a little porch, the… The peonies and pansies, too, the… The grass plot where his children…
Ma says no, it’s too much care An’ it will scatter germs an’ hair… An’ it’s a nuisance through and th… An’ barks when you don’t want it t… An’ carries dirt from off the stre…
It’s tough when you are homesick i… and distant place; It’s anguish when you’re hungry fo… old-familiar face. And yearning for the good folks an…
A table cloth that’s slightly soil… Where greasy little hands have toi… The napkins kept in silver rings, And only ordinary things From which to eat, a simple fare,
He was going to be all that a mort… Tomorrow. No one should be kinder or braver… Tomorrow. A friend who was troubled and wear…
God grant me kindly thought And patience through the day, And in the things I’ve wrought Let no man living say That hate’s grim mark has stained
Lady in the show case carriage, Do not think that I’m a bear; Not for worlds would I disparage One so gracious and so fair; Do not think that I am blind to
He spent what he made, or he gave… Tried to save money, and would for… Started a bank-account time an’ ag… Got a hundred or so for a nest egg… Some fellow that needed it more th…
“When shall I be a man?” he said, As I was putting him to bed. “How many years will have to be Before Time makes a man of me? And will I be a man when I
Be more than his dad, Be a chum to the lad; Be a part of his life Every hour of the day; Find time to talk with him,
She is fair to see and sweet, Dainty from her head to feet, Modest, as her blushing shows, Happy, as her smiles disclose, And the young man at her side
He wiped his shoes before his door… But ere he entered he did more; ’Twas not enough to cleanse his fe… Of dirt they’d gathered in the str… He stood and dusted off his mind
To do your little bit of toil, To play life’s game with head erec… To stoop to nothing that would soi… Your honor or your self-respect; To win what gold and fame you can,
There was a bear—his name was Jim… An’ children weren’t askeered of h… An’ he lived in a cave, where he Was confortubbul as could be, An’ in that cave, so my Pa said,
The sumac’s flaming scarlet on the… An’ the pear trees are invitin’ ev… Now the gorgeous tints of autumn a… Till it seems that you can almost… There’s a solemn sort o’ stillness…
When Pa comes home, I’m at the do… An’ then he grabs me off the floor An’ throws me up an’ catches me When I come down, an’ then, says… ‘Well, how’d you get along to-day?
Gentle hands that never weary toil… vineyard sweet, Eyes that seem forever cheery when… they chance to meet, Tender, patient, brave, devoted, t…
You cannot gather every rose, Nor every pleasure claim, Nor bask in every breeze that blow… Nor play in every game. No millionaire could ever own
A man doesn’t whine at his losses, A man doesn’t whimper and fret, Or rail at the weight of his cross… And ask life to rear him a pet. A man doesn’t grudgingly labor
I might not ever scale the mountai… Where all the great men stand in g… I may not ever gain the world’s de… Or win a wreath of laurel for my b… I may not gain the victories that…
Some folks I know, when friends d… To visit for awhile and chin, Just lead them round the rooms and… And show them pictures on their wa… And point to rugs and tapestries
Life is a challenge to the bold, It flings its gauntlet down And bids us, if we seek for gold And glory and renown, To come and take them from its sto…
To happiness I raise my glass, The goal of every human, The hope of every clan and class And every man and woman. The daydreams of the urchin there,
It’s guessing time at our house; e… We start guessing what old Santa’… Everyone of us holds secrets that… And that eyes and lips are plainly… And a little lip that quivered jus…
When I was young and frivolous an… When I was always doing wrong, or… When I was just a lad of seven an… It seemed to me that every day I… And strangers used to shake their…
People liked him, not because He was rich or known to fame; He had never won applause As a star in any game. His was not a brilliant style,
’Twas not so many years ago, Say, twenty-two or three, When zero weather or below Held many a thrill for me. Then in my icy room I slept
Time was when spring returned we w… To find another home to rent; We wanted fresher, cleaner walls, And bigger rooms and wider halls, And open plumbing and the dome
It’s an easy world to live in if y… You never need to suffer, save the… If you’ll stay upon the level and… You will never lack the friendship… Life’s an easy road to travel if y…
There is no star within the flag That’s brighter than its brothers, And when of Michigan I brag, I’m boasting of the others. Just which is which no man can say…
You ought to be fine for the sake… Who think you are fine. If others have faith in you doubly… To stick to the line. It’s not only on you that dishonor…
Did you ever sit down and talk wit… In a serious sort of a way, On their views of life and ponder… On all that they have to say? If not, you should in some quiet h…
How fine it is at night to say: ‘I have not wronged a soul to-day. I have not by a word or deed, In any breast sowed anger’s seed, Or caused a fellow being pain;
I’m up against it day by day, My ignorance is distressing; The things I don’t know on the wa… I’m busily confessing. Time was I used to think I knew
Who once has had a friend has foun… The link 'twixt mortal and divine; Though now he sleeps in hallowed g… He lives in memory’s sacred shrine… And there he freely moves about,
I believe in the world and its big… That most of the hearts beating ro… That days are but footsteps and ye… That lead us to beauty and singing… That roses that blossom and toiler…
Nobody hates me more than I; No enemy have I to-day That I so bravely must defy; There are no foes along my way, However bitter they may be,
The things that haven’t been done… Those are the things to try; Columbus dreamed of an unknown sho… At the rim of the far-flung sky, And his heart was bold and his fai…
If I had hatred in my heart towar… If I were pressed to do him ill,… To wound him sorely and to rob his… I’d wish his wife would go away an… I’d waste no time on curses vague,…
Promotion comes to him who sticks Unto his work and never kicks, Who watches neither clock nor sun To tell him when his task is done; Who toils not by a stated chart,
Most folks, as I’ve noticed, in p… Are always expecting too much out… They wail an’ they fret Just because they don’t get The best o’ the sunshine, the fair…
One day, in ages dark and dim, A toiler, weary, worn and faint, Who found his task too much for hi… Gave voice unto a sad complaint. And seeking emphasis to give