let me speak as a friend although the centuries hang between us and neither you nor I can see the moon. be careful less the onion blind th…
keep remembering the horses under the moon keep remembering feeding the horse… sugar white oblongs of sugar
outside my window Sunday. I am eating a grapefruit. church is over at the… Orthodox to the west.
he was 65, his wife was 66, had Alzheimer’s disease. he had cancer of the mouth. there were
the girls were young and worked the streets but often couldn’t score, they
listening to Wagner as outside in the dark the wind bl… trees wave and shake lights go off and on the walls creak and the… bed...
invent yourself and then reinvent… don’t swim in the same slough. invent yourself and then reinvent… and stay out of the clutches of medioc…
Julio came by with his guitar and… latest song. Julio was famous, he wrote songs a… published books of little drawings… poems.
sometimes I forget about him and h… innocence, almost idiotic, awkward… he liked walking over bridges and… to night I think about him, the wa… one felt space between his lines,…
here things are tough but they’re mostly always tough. basically I’m just trying to get a… with the female. when you first meet them their eyes
the other day I’m out at the track betting Early Bird that’s when you bet at the track before it opens)
Hugo Wolf went mad while eating a… and writing his 253rd song; it was… April and the worms came out of th… humming Tannhäuser, and he spilled… with his ink, and his blood fell o…
murder the roaches spit out paper clips and the helicopter circles and cir… smelling for blood
I had this room in front on DeLon… and I used to sit for hours in the daytime looking out the front window.
they’d come around and they’d ask “you finished your 2nd novel yet?” “no.”
sitting in a dark bedroom with 3 j… female. brown paper bags filled with trash… everywhere. is one-thirty in the afternoon.
you gotta have wars suppose World War One was the bes… really, you know, both sides were… they really had something to fight… they really thought they had somet…
I had boils the size of tomatoes all over me they stuck a drill into me down at the county hospital, and
you consult psychiatrists and phil… when things aren’t going well and whores when they are. the whores are there for young boy… men; to the young boys they say,
after the slaughter house there was a bar around the corner and I sat in there and watched the sun go down through the window,
I awakened to dryness and the fern… the potted plants yellow as corn; my woman was gone and the empty bottles like bled co… surrounded me with their uselessne…
the acute and terrible air hangs w… as summer birds mingle in the bran… and warble and mystify the clamor of the mind… an old parrot
16 and one-half inch neck 68 years old lifts weights body like a young
there is enough treachery, hatred… human being to supply any given ar… and the best at murder are those w… and the best at hate are those who… and the best at war finally are th…
had lost the last race big somebody had stolen my coat could feel the flu coming on and my tires were low. I went in to get a
over my radio now comes the sound of a truly mad org… can see some monk drunk in a cellar mind gone or found,
I pick up the skirt, I pick up the sparkling beads in black, this thing that moved once around flesh,
the swans drown in bilge water, take down the signs, test the poisons, barricade the cow from the bull,
225 days under grass and you know more than I. they have long taken your blood, you are a dry stick in a basket. is this how it works?
dame some dogs who sleep at night must dream of bones and I remember your bones in flesh