To keep the lamp alive, With oil we fill the bowl; ’Tis water makes the willow thrive… And grace that feeds the soul. The Lord’s unsparing hand
“When the notifications of your he… “Since I have enough walls to bec… “Then, many groups will want us to… “Then (wao! Yes, two “then”) we w… “Log in and give the button of alw…
Bestow, dear Lord, upon our youth The gift of saving grace; And let the seed of sacred truth Fall in a fruitful place. Grace is a plant, where’er it grow…
Life breathes Taking breath from laughter smile… Exhaling sorrow loss and pain Life shines through Through overcast sky
Search The most important thing of life i… Which help you find the way to Ho… The whole life of people is big R… It is existence foundation stone.
Ángel destructor, hermano de la so… Nacido de la oscuridad y de la mue… Te pido que a mis plegarias no la… Que del oscuro olvido, ya no regre… Y no permitas que el día sea el ti…
Commitment unanchored, floating un… Love forever escaping, like I’m d… Immersed in excuses, Emoting moti… Bound by fears of thoughts From t… No Tredding but sinking into self…
Grant me the Muse, ye gods! whose… Seeks not the mountain-top’s perni… Who can the tall Parnassian cliff… To visit oft the still Lethean la… Now her slow pinions brush the sil…
Luck, my dear Norton, still makes… To mix a mortal with her gifts, Which he may find who duly sifts. Sweets to the sweet,—behold the cl… Why not, then, new things to the g…
296 One Year ago—jots what? God—spell the word! I—can’t— Was’t Grace? Not that— Was’t Glory? That—will do—
Didn’t know Flynn,— Flynn of Virginia,— Long as he’s been ‘yar? Look ’ee here, stranger, Whar HEV you been?
THE HEART of the rulers is sic… For this is the song of the quick… The poor and the halt and the blin… Like the noise of the blowing of w… The wind has the sound of a laugh…
Offended by a Book of the Writer’… NOW that my page upcloses, doomed… Never to press thy cosy cushions m… Or wake thy ready Yeas as heretof… Or stir thy gentle vows of faith i…
If I call, will you hear me, O co… When the sky in the East holds th… When the soft wind is stirring the… And the shadow goes gliding beneat… If I call, will you hear me, 0 lo…
What various hindrances we meet In coming to a mercy seat! Yet who that knows the worth of pr… But wishes to be often there? Prayer makes the darken’d cloud wi…
Ye thirsty for God, To Jesus giv… And take, through his blood, A po… His kind invitation Ye sinners em… Accepting salvation, Salvation by… Sent down from above, Who governs…
As, cleansed of Tiber’s and Obliv… Glow Farnesina’s vaults with shap… That dreamed some exiled artist fr… Back to his Athens and the Muse’s… So these world-orphaned waifs of…
OUR MOTHER, which wast twice,… Found first among the nations: onc… Who bore thine ensign saw the God… Smite Spain, and bring forth Shak… Shrank, and Rome’s bloodhounds co…
What thousands never knew the road… What thousands hate it when ’tis k… None but the chosen tribes of God Will seek or choose it for their o… A thousand ways in ruin end,
Hast thou a friend? thou hast inde… A rich and large supply. Treasure to serve your every need, Well managed, till you die.
As I wandered home By Hedworth Combe I heard a lone horse whinney, And saw on the hill Standing statue-still
Let us give thanks to God above, Thanks for expressions of His lov… Seen in the book of nature, grand Taught by His love on every hand. Let us be thankful in our hearts,
By Stanley Collymore I didn’t know that William and the rest of Britain’s purportedly royal family were
No tengo a nadie a mi lado, te soy… Eres la primera ante mi vista, mi… Y mis palabras que suelen elogiart… Se expresan con tanto cariño, cuan… Te amo tanto, amada mía, yo soy só…
Y te amé por cielo Y te amé por tierra Y por amarte el alma Mi corazón se cierra. Y mi corazón triste llorando
OH! blest art thou, whose steps m… Through the green paths of vale an… Or, leaving all their charms below… Climb the wild mountain’s airy bro… And gaze afar o’er cultured plains…
Day turns into night Night turns into day The sun casts a glow of burning li… The moon glimmering over the crims… No matter what life may open to yo…
still wondering if the trails end will be fine enough for the sippy drippy drops to try every wonder funny honey lips sychik girl world of hippystars lard and eardrops in my minds off b...
I have found out a gift for my fai… I know where the fossils abound, Where the footprints of Aves decl… The birds that once walked on the… Oh, come, and—in technical speech—
While the far farewell music thins… And the broad bottoms rip the bear… All smalling slowly to the gray se… And each significant red smoke-sha… Keen sense of severance everywhere…
Goodnight On the eve I die alone Don’t morn me Simply delete me from your phone Remove my contact info erase all p…
Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth, Nor dare Thy least commandment sl… Yet pierced by sin the serpent’s t… I mourn the anguish of the bite. But though the poison lurks within…
Little sneezing Cynthia Never covered her mouth She would sneeze oh so loud It could be heard clear down south Her sneezing startled the neighbor…
When the warm sun, that brings Seed-time and harvest, has returne… 'T is sweet to visit the still woo… The first flower of the plain. I love the season well,
The air is moist, But my throat is dry, My hands are callused, As though I’ve tried, To keep a promise,
i wear out my youth in the avenue hearing the desperate plead of you… while i think to myself that ill l… we might be more alike after all my soul breaking through my skin
The pain I feel, Confusing. I can feel it, Coursing through. I can feel it.
Two nymphs, both nearly of an age, Of numerous charms possessed, A warm dispute once chanced to wag… Whose temper was the best. The worth of each had been complet…
No me importa ignorarte en pleno d… Hostígame que eso es lo que quiero… Acostumbrado estoy a tu obra divin… Y cuando salgo sabes que te espero… No me pierdas de tu furor así de f…
W have the myrtle’s breath around… Amidst the fallen pillars;–this ha… Some Naiad’s fane of old. How bri… Flinging a vein of silver o’er the… Up thro’ the shadowy grass, the fo…
’Twas my purpose, on a day, To embark, and sail away. As I climbed the vessel’s side, Love was sporting in the tide; ‘Come,’ he said, ‘ascend—make hast…
Why of all the many races in the c… Do we find so little union as the… Is it lack of love? or color? who… Why they cherish opposition more t… We’ll examine for a moment, how th…
Breathe from the gentle south, O… And cheer me from the north; Blow on the treasures of thy word, And call the spices forth! I wish, Thou knowest, to be resig…