Ash Valentines A Gift On Fools Day One among us sublime in His Fathe… The forbidden fruit Medusa in the… Gave us the light the Redeemer th…
“Which of these films was Dirk Bo… not in? One hundredweight of bauxi… makes how much aluminium? how many tales in ‘The Decameron’… General Studies, the upper sixth,…
Spring Dusting the Patio Set The sweet whistling wings of the m… As they flew and perched on the ir… My room caught me frozen the pair…
He hinted at times that I was a bastard and I told him to listen to Brahms, and I told him to learn to paint and drink and not be dominated by women and dollars but he screamed at me, F...
Familial Gatherings Divinely Rising Sun Dawn you get up to a glimpse of fi… Pastel old rose you see as you loo… The same shade spread you saw a li…
I am the heart of a murdered woman who took the wrong way home who was strangled in a vacant lot… who was shot with care beneath a t… who was mutilated by a crisp knife…
Dream Statues “Give me your...” Castles in the
My stick fingers click with a snic… And, chuckling, they knuckle the k… Light-footed, my steel feelers fli… And pluck from these keys melodies… My paper can caper; abandon
Sharp and silent in the Clear October lighting Of a Sunday morning The great city lies; And I at a window
Advent “And Heaven and Nature Sing” Winter hibernation in the cold qui… We layer get all the heat in a spa… Settle reflect on the days gone re…
Aquella esperanza que cabía en un… aquella alta vereda junto al barro… aquel ir y venir del sueño, aquel horóscopo de un larguísimo v… y el larguísimo viaje con adioses…
Doom is dark and deeper than any s… Upon what man it fall In spring, day-wishing flowers app… Avalanche sliding, white snow from… That he should leave his house,
Penthesileia, dead of profuse wond… Was despoiled of her arms by Prin… Who, for love of that fierce white… Necrophily on her committed In the public view.
I was a bum in San Francisco but… to go to a symphony concert along… and the music was good but somethi… audience was not and something about the orchestra
There For You Look inside your heart Listen the songbirds
We have no prairies To slice a big sun at evening— Everywhere the eye concedes to Encrouching horizon, Is wooed into the cyclops’ eye
Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. E...
My son, my executioner, I take you in my arms, Quiet and small and just astir And whom my body warms. Sweet death, small son, our instru…
Beyond the New Year What a beautiful Fun filled group brotherhood chat Over the moon Joy All out camaraderie
here and hereafter on this God’s little acre we call earth... there can be no barriers between two souls bound by love
From a single grain they have mult… When you look in the eyes of one you have seen them all. At the edges of highways they pick at limp things.
Eternity Eighty five years old Seem to be not much at all For the celebrant Eighty five years old
Next year we are to bring all the… For lack of money, and it is all r… Places they guarded, or kept order… We want the money for ourselves at… Instead of working. And this is a…
let go and enjoy the moment day in the life kind– then let go of that moment and move on to the next one without anticipation and so on – and since you do not know what the future holds...
I staid the night for shelter at a… Behind the mountain, with a mother… Two old-believers. They did all t… Mother. Folks think a witch who h… She could call up to pass a winter…
Fleeting Sun Air I see you today The sun felt warm so suddenly Again the soft wind caresses Invigorates so calmly.
Zeros & Ones World Imagination Takes us anywhere we want Across minds we share From dreams to reality
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa and Rudolph Chipmunks are out singing Bulging cheeks not misbehaving Squirrels in snow been hiding runn…
Crackle and Spark Joy to life all hope Dark clouds move on clear the sky Let the sun shine through Winter woes be gone
This is the lair of the landlady She is a raw voice loose in the rooms beneath me. the continuous henyard
Scatterghost, it can’t float away. And the rain, everybody’s brother, won’t help. And the wind all these… flying like ten crazy sisters ever…
Cosmos God created Infinite space outer rocks Stars ever in motion. Boundlessly vast yet crowded
Our shells clacked on the plates. My tongue was a filling estuary, My palate hung with starlight: As I tasted the salty Pleiades Orion dipped his foot into the wat…
El poniente impecable en esplendor… quebró a filo de espada las distan… Suave como un sauzal está la noche… Rojos chisporrotean los remolinos de las bruscas hogue…
Flightless Hermit-bird A Phoenix Soul A mile of sheer grit crawl searchi… Under the scorching blinding sun a… Calmly shell sizing at times decis…
First Things First Woken, I lay in the arms of my ow… To a storm enjoying its storminess… Till my ear, as it can when half-a… Set to work to unscramble that int…
a poem is a city filled with stree… filled with saints, heroes, beggar… filled with banality and booze, filled with rain and thunder and p… drought, a poem is a city at war,
Gentle Kiss Love me keep me to the end of time… Wrap me into your soul shine in me… Entwine me within your purple myst… Sole to head flesh to flesh wave l…
Side by side, their faces blurred, The earl and countess lie in stone… Their proper habits vaguely shown As jointed armour, stiffened pleat… And that faint hint of the absurd—
He rode through the woods on a big… He had fists as hard as choppin’ b… Five hundred pounds and nine feet… Talk about workin’, when he swung… You could hear it ring for a mile…
My daughter plays on the floor with plastic letters, red, blue & hard yellow, learning how to spell, spelling,
We’re shaped by our lives entwined Through each bond, a path defined Roots that anchor, guide, and grow… Seeds of ourselves that we sow Faith in God speaks within us
Day by day I float my paper boats… In bid black letters I write my n… I hope that someone in some strang… I load my little boats with shiuli… I launch my paper boats and look u…
Icarus and the moth Don’t fly too high The sun will melt your wings! Don’t go near the flame Knowledge has its price
Del otro lado de la puerta un homb… deja caer su corrupción. En vano elevará esta noche una plegaria a su curioso dios, que es tres, do… y se dirá que es inmortal. Ahora
Time, we both know, will decay Yo… I’m scared of our divorce: I’ve s… Remember: when Le bon Dieu says t… Please, please, for His sake and… To my piteous Don’ts, but bugger…
Time strength Acceptance hugs Strength is our backbone Helps us in our grief resolution Acceptance gives us understanding An affirmation embracing of our pa…
love true we traveled through the pathway of love good better best warts and all endure
Far... far away far... I hear and I drink The sweet songs of the cosmos The ambrosia the nectar The seasons of the universes
choose love life is fragile and short lived like a blade of grass emerging lush at sunrise soaking in the sun enough energy to last the day
¡Como en el alto llano tu figura se me aparece!... Mi palabra evoca el prado verde y la árida llanura, la zarza en flor, la cenicienta ro… Y al recuerdo obediente, negra enc…
all aboard train to the one life we long for peace paradise no fares no tickets four seasons earth scenic route
aura of joy let the amazing astonishing radiant light of your essence
The dog loved its churlish life, Scraps, thefts. Itsdeclined blood An anarchy of mindless pride. Nobody’s pet, but good enough To double with a bitch as poor.
save humor here there every where learn to let go
When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the… to buy me, and snaps the purse shu… when death comes
Lord Strawberry, a nobleman, collected birds. He had the finest aviary in Europe, so large that eagles did not find it uncomfortable, so well laid out that both humming birds and snow-b...
I don’t mind eels Except as meals. And the way they feels.
Every moment in our life is a meditation moment-a reflection, a talking to one’s soul in the most intimate searching way looking at mundane things and can run the range deep into our in...
Pigeons and Dreams Blossoms now pink cherry Find me watching pigeons Fluffing wings in gaiety Pick carry outers’ left-ons.