Bound By Honor And you said “yes I am in” And you ran the gauntlet Of hard wood paddles for starters With fires coming out of their end…
shameless revenant a revenant ghost from the ninth circle of hell haunting the meadows sucking the wealth life shameless
Secrecy flows through you, a different kind of blood. It’s as if you’ve eaten it like a bad candy, taken it into your mouth,
Doom is dark and deeper than any s… Upon what man it fall In spring, day-wishing flowers app… Avalanche sliding, white snow from… That he should leave his house,
Is Is Is The Moment Saw Heard Spoke
Be infinitesimal under that sky, a… even the sailing hawk misses, a wr… among the rocks where the mist par… Recall the way mere mortals are ov… by circumstance, how great reputat…
Moonlight Lullaby a sequin night sky deja vu grayish pinkish cloudless sky fabric a sunlight glossed saracenic moon
love four seasons Celebrate choose love touch with your smile kiss softly speak love tenderly The love you give you receive
First flight: prequel A nest it was So plain and dull But Nelson came Lo and behold!
April blossoms of hope i saw a robin and a bluebird sharing laughters with April butterflies
the rain and the sun make a colorf… ...ndr Rainbow Up there a big sky Be radical lose your self
Warm air season long Now cold breezes suddenly Thermal hugs kindling ***** And the robin flew
WHAT guile is this, that those h… She doth attire under a net of gol… And with sly skill so cunningly th… That which is gold, or hair, may s… Is it that men’s frail eyes, which…
Our shells clacked on the plates. My tongue was a filling estuary, My palate hung with starlight: As I tasted the salty Pleiades Orion dipped his foot into the wat…
Royal Flush rare anyone gets a royal flush let alone spade from a five card stud
“Which of these films was Dirk Bo… not in? One hundredweight of bauxi… makes how much aluminium? how many tales in ‘The Decameron’… General Studies, the upper sixth,…
Purple Winds Galaxies of Humankindness The whispery gentle purple wind li… Fragile thin luminous lavender pap… Mascaras shadow dancing the granit…
And for what, except for you, do… Do I press the extremest book of… Close to me, hidden in me day and… In the uncertain light of single,… Equal in living changingness to th…
My daughter plays on the floor with plastic letters, red, blue & hard yellow, learning how to spell, spelling,
October Red Winds Santa Ana winds Seasonal metamorphosed To fire explosions Hopscotching smoky canyons
CLXXVIII. There is a pleasure in the pathles… There is a rapture on the lonely s… There is society where none intrud… By the deep Sea, and music in its…
This is not I. I had no body once… only what served my need to laugh… and stare at stars and tentatively… on the fringe of foam and wave and… Eyes loved, hands reached for me,…
All We Need No Room For Hate Nests are conceived with love Long before a piece of leaf lifted A beakfull by tiny beakfull of mud…
six weeks cold morning twilights the sun lazily rising sleeping-in in mind second month day two
Beyond Epiphany Evergreen Spirit Faithful like a halo the evergreen… Sits smiling on top of the Christ… Since Advent through the festive…
“you know,” she said, “you were at the bar so you didn’t see but I danced with this guy. we danced and we danced close.
Come with me into the field of sunflowers. Their faces are burnished disks, their dry spines creak like ship masts,
Law, say the gardeners, is the sun… Law is the one All gardeners obey To-morrow, yesterday, to-day. Law is the wisdom of the old,
Flightless Hermit-bird A Phoenix Soul A mile of sheer grit crawl searchi… Under the scorching blinding sun a… Calmly shell sizing at times decis…
I awakened to dryness and the fern… the potted plants yellow as corn; my woman was gone and the empty bottles like bled co… surrounded me with their uselessne…
a poem is a city filled with stree… filled with saints, heroes, beggar… filled with banality and booze, filled with rain and thunder and p… drought, a poem is a city at war,
Rubicon I specialize in brevity I seize the last minute *** (NDR)05.01.2022
Two days before the Ides, your li… A fiery spirit bold, a heart so ki… Your vibrant cheer, a light for al… A spark that grew into a steadfast… Your laughter echoes bright throug…
goat horn home sweet cozy cave from the cornucopia shelves everything
My age fallen away like white swad… Floats in the middle distance, bec… An inhabited cloud. I bend closer… A lighted tenement scuttling with… O you tall game I tired myself wi…
Is the soul solid, like iron? Or is it tender and breakable, lik… the wings of a moth in the beak of… Who has it, and who doesn’t? I keep looking around me.
How did I get so dutiful? Was I… Going around as a child with a sma… sweeping up dirt I didn’t make, or out into the yard with a stunte… weeding the gardens of others
I staid the night for shelter at a… Behind the mountain, with a mother… Two old-believers. They did all t… Mother. Folks think a witch who h… She could call up to pass a winter…
Lord Strawberry, a nobleman, collected birds. He had the finest aviary in Europe, so large that eagles did not find it uncomfortable, so well laid out that both humming birds and snow-b...
time capsule reckoned eons span seasons history births deaths anniversaries stars rise set rise set again
again to share absolutely singularly a great moment a gift of love
A Smile in the Cave All part and parcel it was The way of life in the cave As is always acceptance What is laid down before you
Fountain Pen your fingers on your fountain pen connect you to fantasies
aura of joy let the amazing astonishing radiant light of your essence
Penthesileia, dead of profuse wond… Was despoiled of her arms by Prin… Who, for love of that fierce white… Necrophily on her committed In the public view.
love true we traveled through the pathway of love good better best warts and all endure
a bed fo’r king Ho Ho Ho ...they go Santa reindeers ...Rudolph go
Standing at a crossroad Between this life And the next, Heart in hand I knock on that
Hand in hand Hand in hand Many a road to walk Many a beach to stroll Many more trails
I was a bum in San Francisco but… to go to a symphony concert along… and the music was good but somethi… audience was not and something about the orchestra
Cosmic Fire Beds Of Hot Coals A cosmic gift to Neanderthals pra… A classical element nemesis of wat… Combusts rapidly flashes on perfec…
into the clusters of shooting star… my shadow’s shadow comforting to see my familiar space sunset long my shadow
Heal and Thrive Far Beyond 2021 With the belief that all things must pass A never ending nightmare made a surreal life in all of us
Sacred Spit Untethered Fifty lashes Double for repeats You got caught
Sun In Limbo Summer has left And in one sweep Of heat I sat abandoned. Nothing in sight not even
Eternity Songs of Cicadas Life the path to death Mortal beings eternal souls Death the path to life
We’re shaped by our lives entwined Through each bond, a path defined Roots that anchor, guide, and grow… Seeds of ourselves that we sow Faith in God speaks within us
El poniente impecable en esplendor… quebró a filo de espada las distan… Suave como un sauzal está la noche… Rojos chisporrotean los remolinos de las bruscas hogue…
Side by side, their faces blurred, The earl and countess lie in stone… Their proper habits vaguely shown As jointed armour, stiffened pleat… And that faint hint of the absurd—
When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the… to buy me, and snaps the purse shu… when death comes