Peter Cartwright

There’s a new world unfolding
as the sun sinks in the West.
I once thought a single man
could change the world for the better.
He can’t,
we have to do that together.
I once thought a single man
could never damage the world irreparably.
He can,
he just needs a conspiracy of silence.
It seems to me to be
Nation Time again.
The hysterical voices of bellicose pomposity
hit the airwaves.
The policeman sternly says
he’ll arrest me if I exercise my rights
then straightaway begins the arrests anyway.
Boom! Threatens the president (as he likes to be called)
Boom Boom! Goes the copper with his gun
claiming to be scared of an unarmed woman
in her pyjamas.
Crunch goes the knee of the copper
who doesn’t care about the air
unable to make it past the poor guy’s neck.
The kidnappings have begun.
The disappearances have begun,
temporary or otherwise that they may be.
The meaningless mumblings
of the incoherent leaders is well under way.
The world calls in fear for
and instead, the demon comes.
Boom! Boom Boom!
comes the first response,
and the second and the third.
A new world is unfolding
as the sun sinks slowly on the West.
A new world is born as we whimper
but it comes with a repeated and resounding

Other works by Peter Cartwright...
