#CanadianWriters #FemaleWriters
What saw you in your flight to-day… Crows, awinging your homeward way? Went you far in carrion quest, Crows, that worry the sunless west… Thieves and villains, you shameles…
MUSKOKA A stream of tender gladness, Of filmy sun, and opal tinted skie… Of warm midsummer air that lightly… In mystic rings,
Soulless is all humanity to me To-night. My keenest longing is t… Alone, alone with God’s grey eart… Pulse of my pulse and consort of m… To-night my soul desires no fellow…
We first saw light in Canada, the… We are the pulse of Canada, its m… And we, the men of Canada, can fa… That we were born in Canada benea… Few of us have the blood of kings,…
Not of the seething cities with th… Their fetid airs, their reeking st… Not of the buried yesterdays, but… The glory and the gateway of the y… The Northern Lights dance down he…
(NEW BRUNSWICK) The long red flats stretch open to… Breathing their moisture on the A… The seaweeds cling with flesh-like… The rocks give shelter that the sa…
Sounds of the seas grow fainter, Sounds of the sands have sped; The sweep of gales, The far white sails, Are silent, spent and dead.
And only where the forest fires ha… Scorching relentlessly the cool no… A sweet wild flower lifts its purp… And, like some gentle spirit sorro… It hides the scars with almost hum…
The lost wind wandering, forever g… Low overhead, Above grey mosses whispering of le… Fallen and dead. And through the lonely night sweep…
’Tis morning now, yet silently I… Uplift the curtain with a weary ha… Look out while darkness overspread… And long for day. Calm peace is frighted with my moo…
The autumn afternoon is dying o’er The quiet western valley where I… Beneath the maples on the river sh… Where tinted leaves, blue waters a… Environ all; and far above some bi…
When each white moon, her lantern… Comes out to join the star night-w… Across the grey-green sea, a ship… For me a letter, from the Motherl… Naught would I care to live in qu…
It is the blood-hued maple straigh… Voicing abroad its patriotic song. Its daring colours bravely flingin… The ensign of the Nation of the N…
From out the west, where darkling… The 'waking wind pipes soft its ri… From out the west, o’erhung with f… The wind preludes with sighs its r… Then blowing, singing, piping, lau…
Measures of oil for others, Oil and red wine, Lips laugh and drink, but never Are the lips mine. Worlds at the feet of others,