Paul Laurence Dunbar

A Spiritual

De 'cession’s stahted on de gospel way,
De Capting is a—drawin’ nigh:
Bettah stop a—foolin’ an’ a—try to pray;
Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Oh, sinnah mou’nin’ in de dusty road,
Hyeah 's de minute fu’ to dry yo’ eye:
Dey 's a moughty One a—comin’ fu’ to baih yo’ load;
Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Oh, widder weepin’ by yo’ husban’s grave,
Hit 's bettah fu’ to sing den sigh:
Hyeah come de Mastah wid de powah to save;
Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Oh, orphans a—weepin’ lak de widder do,
An’ I wish you 'd tell me why:
De Mastah is a mammy an’ a pappy too;
Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Oh, Moses sot de sarpint in de wildahness
W’en de chillun had commenced to die:
Some 'efused to look, but hit cuohed de res’;
Lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Bow down, bow 'way down, Bow down,
But lif’ up yo’ haid w’en de King go by!
Other works by Paul Laurence Dunbar...
