Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Meeting of the Dryads

IT was not many centuries since,
When, gathered on the moonlit green,
Beneath the Tree of Liberty,
A ring of weeping sprites was seen.
The freshman’s lamp had long been dim,
The voice of busy day was mute,
And tortured Melody had ceased
Her sufferings on the evening flute.
They met not as they once had met,
To laugh o’er many a jocund tale
But every pulse was beating low,
And every cheek was cold and pale.
There rose a fair but faded one,
Who oft had cheered them with her song;
She waved a mutilated arm,
And silence held the listening throng.
‘Sweet friends,’ the gentle nymph began,
‘From opening bud to withering leaf,
One common lot has bound us all,
In every change of joy and grief.
’While all around has felt decay,
We rose in ever-living prime,
With broader shade and fresher green,
Beneath the crumbling step of Time.
'When often by our feet has past
Some biped, Nature’s walking whim,
Say, have we trimmed one awkward shape,
Or lopped away one crooked limb?
‘Go on, fair Science; soon to thee
Shall. Nature yield her idle boast;
Her vulgar fingers formed a tree,
But thou halt trained it to a post.
’Go, paint the birch’s silver rind,
And quilt the peach with softer down;
Up with the willow’s trailing threads,
Off with the sunflower’s radiant crown!
‘Go, plant the lily on the shore,
And set the rose among the waves,
And bid the tropic bud unbind
Its silken zone in arctic caves;
’Bring bellows for the panting winds,
Hang up a lantern by the moon,
And give the nightingale a fife,
And lend the eagle a balloon!
‘I cannot smile,—the tide of scorn,
That rolled through every bleeding vein,
Comes kindling fiercer as it flows
Back to its burning source again.
’Again in every quivering leaf
That moment’s agony I feel,
When limbs, that spurned the northern blast,
Shrunk from the sacrilegious steel.
‘A curse upon the wretch who dared
To crop us with his felon saw!
May every fruit his lip shall taste
Lie like a bullet in his maw.
’In every julep that he drinks,
May gout, and bile, and headache be;
And when he strives to calm his pain,
May colic mingle with his tea.
‘May nightshade cluster round his path,
And thistles shoot, and brambles cling;
May blistering ivy scorch his veins,
And dogwood burn, and nettles sting.
’On him may never shadow fall,
When fever racks his throbbing brow,
And his last shilling buy a rope
To hang him on my highest bough!'
She spoke;—the morning’s herald beam
Sprang from the bosom of the sea,
And every mangled sprite returned
In sadness to her wounded tree.
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