Olga Gavrilovskiy

Through Storms

The storm has passed,
I am still standing,
My ship still in one piece.
She’s gone with me
Through so many trials.
No rest to be had
In these turbulent seas.
My mate and I
A union not made in heaven.
Nevertheless, together,
For better or worse
We pilot this vessel.
Every gale approaching
Could throw us overboard,
Or give lessons to make tighter
The knots on those ropes.
Ten years of traversing
These treacherous waters of Life
I think I’ve finally gotten my sea legs.
No more am I easily shaken
When the waves threaten
To swallow me whole.
I may not walk away unscathed,
But wizened on the workings of weather,
Moods of the water, and all.
Cold sea spray slapping my face,
Slippery deck reeling and rolling
This way and that,
I steady myself at the helm.
With the wind whipping at sails
I fix my eyes on the coming squall.
I will not skim 'round,
I will take her right through,
We will withstand,
Or be shattered to pieces.
My safe harbor awaits
On the other side of that tempest,
And I will not delay that meeting
A minute more.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2014

The ship is an allegory of marriage.


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