Fellow traveler,
Don’t play hide-n-seek with the Universe.
It will outsmart you.
With our feet bound by gravity
We won’t reach wisdom of stars.
No need to search
The matrix of neurotransmitters
For answers deeper than oceans.
Pull at your heart strings
With a chord of a familiar song.
Stop overcomplicating existence.
Just Be,
Like a blade of grass Is,
Giving into the wind,
And taking in rain and sunlight.
Just Feel,
Like a bird feels
The air currents under its wing.
Just Love!
What does it cost you?
You will receive tenfold
For every smile, kiss and embrace.
Half a glass of water,
Pierced by a ray of light, is deeper
Than dark caverns of thought.
Butterfly’s wings are wiser
Than mathematical formula
For the meaning of Life.
When you discard this shell
Made of atoms,
When you leave dust with dust,
You will walk through the Veil
And witness creation.
'Til then, Love,
And allow others
To love you
In return.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2014
Cory Garcia
Olga Gavrilovskiy
10yThank you, Cory.
Patricia May Neiderer
10yThe facade ended
Needs not mended
The travel of time
Just beginning to climb
Forward and back
Slipping through times gap
Sixety minutes in an hour
Finding all the power
The weight of the soul
Some as black as coal