Olga Gavrilovskiy

I Know You

How will I know you,
In that distant and alien world?
She asked.
Two specks of bright light,
Two kindred spirits
Not wanting to part,
But to meet again destined,
Clinging to one another
In a final embrace.
Feed off my warmth, do not flicker,
Glow steady, he said.
You will know me by my strength,
By my patience with a flower petal
That unravels itself 'fore my eyes,
By a few words
That someone else caught in verse
From a different lifetime.
My rose,
Most beautiful one,
You will know me
By the feeling of freedom and comfort
As you entwine your fingers with mine.
I will be new, innocent, strong,
Broken, remade, reforged
Stronger yet, as a blade
Of grass.
My path
Will take on many forks,
Full of doubt, answers,
That others want me to have
To questions I didn’t ask.
How will I find you, my Love?
Never lose faith, he said.
Just keep calling my name.
I will be lonely without you.
I will have much to learn,
I will struggle and yearn
In the darkness,
For your voice I will listen.
Just keep calling,
I will come to you.
It will take a long time,
Do not waiver.
I need your beacon to guide me.
As for me,
All I need
Is the stars in your eyes,
The dangerous curve of your smile,
Your touch that melts glacier ice,
And I will know you.
I will be home.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2015
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