Olga Gavrilovskiy

Glaciers' Eternity

How tender my gaze upon you
As we lie in eternity like glaciers,
Our bodies melting into each other slowly
In half-sleep, half-dream.
I study the landscape afore me.
You look old and worn with age,
A monolith beaten by weather.
Lines tracing your face
Are like roads you’ve taken,
Straight paths and wrong turns.
All led you to me.
The white of your hair
From winter days
You’ve drudged through.
Empty, cold, and alone,
You’ve walked to me.
The far away look in your eyes
Speaks of wisdom,
A hard-won prize of trials and errors of life.
And like the night you are quiet.
My fingers travel with my eyes,
Brow, cheek, lips, nose...
You awaken to me,
And you are young,
Like the sunshine.
Mischievous smile spreads across
As an azure morning.
Sky blue eyes,
Full of mirth and wonder,
And mouth, like a boy’s,
For his first kiss eager and thirsty.
You pull me in with the strength of a cliff
Over the ocean,
And I go under, like the tide.
You are my rock,
I am your waves,
In our embrace we are inseparable.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2015
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