Olga Gavrilovskiy

Ghost of Memories Past

Faded ink on wilted rose petals
Remembering the kisses
That sealed those love letters,
Like bloom of summer fresh.
Abandoning the steady pace of friendship
We threw ourselves into desire’s nets.
Infatuation’s besotted intimations
Were sent by starry nights
That our secrets kept.
Two lonely souls desperate for comfort
Of loving touch and tender word.
All caution and sense discarded
We drowned in each other’s arms.
But love can be a fickle, cruel mistress.
Her heady wines are bitter-sweet.
One must be willing to be scratched by thorns
When picking from her fragrant flower bed.
We risked it all for dreams
And lost each other.
One dreadful morning
The sweet mirage dispersed like mountain fog.
And non but ashes left
From dancing flames we stocked.
But years past
My soul remembers still
The warmth of your companionship close,
Sincere sharing and support.
It is my friend I miss the most
And wish I could take back
Those ruinous declarations of love.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2022

“ And wish I could take backThose ruinous declarations of love”.  Yes, sometimes it’s best to leave a good friendship alone. But then you miss out on the pure joy that romance can bring. Sophie’s choice! Love this poem.

@Francis sometimes we take a risk and lose it all. So many forks in the road of life. How many times do we look back at the road we've traveled and say, 'I wish I had taken a different path." Thank you for reading :-)

👍👍 Love it!

Thanks, Vic :-)

Love, those magic vibrations that rattle the senses and destroy the wits within us. Great poem

@Robert L. Martin Love can be a great healing power, and a power of destruction. I have experienced both.

It is my friend I miss the most。good!

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