My friends all know that I am shy… But the chipmunk is twice and shy… He moves with flickering indecisio… Like stripes across the television… He’s like the shadow of a cloud,
The doctor gets you when you’re bo… The preacher, when you marry, And the lawyer lurks with costly c… If too much on you carry. Professional men, they have no car…
How pleasant to sit on the beach, On the beach, on the sand, in the… With ocean galore within reach, And nothing at all to be done! No letters to answer,
Parsley Is gharsley.
The Lord in His wisdom made the f… And then forgot to tell us why.
Adam Had’em
Belinda lived in a little white ho… With a little black kitten and a l… And a little yellow dog and a litt… And a realio, trulio, little pet d… Now the name of the little black k…
There was a young belle of Natche… Whose garments were always in patc… When comment arose On the state of her clothes, She drawled, When Ah itchez, Ah…
This is my dream, It is my own dream, I dreamt it. I dreamt that my hair was kempt. Then I dreamt that my true love u…
So Thomas Edison Never drank his medicine; So Blackstone and Hoyle Refused cod-liver oil; So Sir Thomas Malory
This one is entering her teens, Ripe for sentimental scenes, Has picked a gangling unripe male, Sees herself in a bridal veil, Presses lips and tosses head,
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two… Someone sailed the ocean blue. Somebody borrowed the fare in Spa… For a business trip on the boundin… And to prove to the people, by act…
A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could the… Said the fly, “let us flee!” “Let us fly!” said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the…
Foreigners are people somewhere el… Natives are people at home; If the place you’re at Is your habitat, You’re a foreigner, say in Rome.
Any hound a porcupine nudges Can’t be blamed for harboring grud… I know one hound that laughed all… At a porcupine that sat on a splin…