Tell me, O Octopus, I begs Is those things arms, or is they l… I marvel at thee, Octopus; If I were thou, I’d call me Us.
Senescence begins And middle age ends The day your descendents Outnumber your friends.
The cow is of bovine ilk; One end is moo, the other is milk.
How wise I am to have instructed… I am about to volunteer a definiti… Just as I know that there are two… I know that marriage is a legal an… Moreover, just as I am unsure of…
For years we’ve had a little dog, Last year we acquired a big dog; He wasn’t big when we got him, He was littler than the dog we had… We thought our little dog would lo…
May I join you in the doghouse, R… I wish to retire till the party’s… Since three o’clock I’ve done my… To entertain each tiny guest; My conscience now I’ve left behin…
People live forever in Jacksonvil… But you don’t have to live forever… The entrance requirements for gram… You only have to live until your c… From that point on you start looki…
The pig, if I am not mistaken; Supplies us sausage, ham, and baco… Let others say his heart is big— I call it stupid of the pig.
Let’s straighten this out, my litt… And reach an agreement if we can. I entered your door as an honored… My shoes are shined and my trouser… And I won’t stretch out and read…
This is a song to celebrate banks, Because they are full of money and… you hear is clinks and clanks, Or maybe a sound like the wind in… Which is the rustling of the thous…
They tell me that euphoria is the… well, today I feel euphorian, Today I have the agility of a Gre… Victorian. Yes, today I may even go forth wi…
Sure, deck your limbs in pants, Yours are the limbs, my sweeting. You look divine as you advance . .… Have you seen yourself retreating?
There is a knocking in the skull, An endless silent shout Of something beating on a wall, And crying, “Let me out!” That solitary prisoner
Behold the duck. It does not cluck. A cluck it lacks. It quacks. It is specially fond
People who have what they want are… And I wish I could afford to gath… I dont’ mind their having a lot of… But I do think that they damn wel… But no, they insist on being steal…