The truth I do not stretch or sho… When I state that the dog is full… I’ve also found, by actual test, A wet dog is the lovingest.
The song of canaries Never varies, And when they’re moulting They’re pretty revolting.
He tells you when you’ve got on t… And helps you with your girdle wh…
The solitary huntsman No coat of pink doth wear, But midnight black from cap to spu… Upon his midnight mare. He drones a tuneless jingle
How pleasant to sit on the beach, On the beach, on the sand, in the… With ocean galore within reach, And nothing at all to be done! No letters to answer,
There is something about a Martin… A tingle remarkably pleasant; A yellow, a mellow Martini; I wish I had one at present. There is something about a Martin…
How wise I am to have instructed… I am about to volunteer a definiti… Just as I know that there are two… I know that marriage is a legal an… Moreover, just as I am unsure of…
Oh, “rorty” was a mid-Victorian w… Which meant “fine, splendid, jolly… And often to me it has reoccurred In moments melancholy. For instance, children, I think i…
Nothing makes me sicker than liquor and candy is too expandy
Whales have calves, Cats have kittens, Bears have cubs, Bats have bittens, Swans have cygnets,
Behold the duck. It does not cluck. A cluck it lacks. It quacks. It is specially fond
The doctor gets you when you’re bo… The preacher, when you marry, And the lawyer lurks with costly c… If too much on you carry. Professional men, they have no car…
Some singers sing of ladies’ eyes, And some of ladies lips, Refined ones praise their ladylike… And course ones hymn their hips. The Oxford Book of English Verse
This one is entering her teens, Ripe for sentimental scenes, Has picked a gangling unripe male, Sees herself in a bridal veil, Presses lips and tosses head,
One way to be very happy is to be… For then you can buy orchids by th… And yet at the same time People d… Because it’s very funny But somehow if you’re rich enough…