There is something about a Martin… A tingle remarkably pleasant; A yellow, a mellow Martini; I wish I had one at present. There is something about a Martin…
Adam Had’em
When the thunder stalks the sky, When tickle-footed walks the fly, When shirt is wet and throat is dr… Look, my darling, thats July. Through the grassy lawn be leather…
There here are words of radical ad… Young man, be a snob. Yes, if you are in search of argum… Why I’ve gottem. Let the personnel managers differ;
Song of the Open Road I think that I shall never see A billboard as lovely as a tree. Perhaps unless the billboards fall… I’ll never see a tree at all.
The doctor gets you when you’re bo… The preacher, when you marry, And the lawyer lurks with costly c… If too much on you carry. Professional men, they have no car…
It is common knowledge to every sc… That all sin is divided into two p… One kind of sin is called a sin of… And it is what you are doing when… And the other kind of sin is just…
They tell me that euphoria is the… well, today I feel euphorian, Today I have the agility of a Gre… Victorian. Yes, today I may even go forth wi…
A flea and a fly in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could the… Said the fly, “let us flee!” “Let us fly!” said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the…
Parsley Is gharsley.
Husbands are things that wives have to get used to putting up with. And with whom they breakfast with and sup with. They interfere with the discipline of nurseries, They ...
There is one thing that ought to b… Which is that people ought to be t… I don’t mean the kind of apologies… Because I think that is sort of s… No, I object to one kind of apolo…
Cuckoos lead Bohemian lives, They fail as husbands and as wives… Therefore they cynically disparage Everybody else’s marriage.
As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven lives; Seven lives, In seven sacks, Like seven beeves
Go hang yourself, you old M.D.! You shall not sneer at me. Pick up your hat and stethoscope, Go wash your mouth with laundry so… I contemplate a joy exquisite