If I was once the tallest mountain your love was the wind that eroded me to nothing
So much time passes without feeling a single thing that I think I would give anything
Just when I get back on my feet you pass on by and I lose my footing Again
There is a girl and I love her and I have loved her since the beg… Or so it seems to me as I only became conscious
I wrote this while thinking of you so I guess you could say this poem is eight years in the making
If nature were so flattered by poems written with itself in mind as people are we would be moving mountains
I feel empty unceasingly until you come along and fill my heart to bursting
I was like a rain cloud over a small garden and dammit if you weren’t that garden so full of flowers that I fell in love
I know that you were there in my dreams and in my arms Every dream we
The pen must be mightier than the sword For there is nothing that will spill your guts faster than a bit of ink that says
I say hello and you say nothing You may hear me you may even think of a response
I grew up in a house built in 1937 long before codes and regulations and sometimes
It must be a wednesday or a friday or any day at all for I am painfully aware of the wo… that consumes me
I’ll keep searching for the meaning of life and I hope I find it as crumpled paper nearish a trash can
I get my silence in five minute doses before the plane overhead brings me back to earth