There is something to be said of a true friend One who will pull the knife from your back One who will stitch the wounds
I awoke from a deep sleep and knew the reason was to write I love you
If nature were so flattered by poems written with itself in mind as people are we would be moving mountains
I know that you were there in my dreams and in my arms Every dream we
I don’t remember any anesthesia after talking with you but I woke up stitched back
I wish you had told me that on the good days kissing you would make me think that I knew what happiness was and on the bad days
The pen must be mightier than the sword For there is nothing that will spill your guts faster than a bit of ink that says
Everyone sees god in a different light but I was born without eyes
It must be a wednesday or a friday or any day at all for I am painfully aware of the wo… that consumes me
I write sharp words with a sharper knife on page after page of what might as well be the skin of my back
You asked what I knew about you and I thought up a list of twenty things
The hands of this watch haven’t moved since the last time you did and I’m not sure if I’m ready to hear the ticking
I spend my nights wishing on every star in the sky that you are alive and well
Just when I get back on my feet you pass on by and I lose my footing Again
So much time passes without feeling a single thing that I think I would give anything