So much time passes without feeling a single thing that I think I would give anything
You asked what I knew about you and I thought up a list of twenty things
I awoke in the dark next to you and more alone than ever I was amazed to hear your heart beating from
I’ve kept my eyes closed most of these past eighteen years because I find it just as dark
All that I know how to do is write about death without dying and write about life
If nature were so flattered by poems written with itself in mind as people are we would be moving mountains
I would write a sweet poem and title it with your name if I loved you at all
There seems to be a drought in my… but who knows if it is the cause or the result of the war raging within me
I wrote this while thinking of you so I guess you could say this poem is eight years in the making
Everyone sees god in a different light but I was born without eyes
Everyday I lived out a song written just for you But you could
There is a girl and I love her and I have loved her since the beg… Or so it seems to me as I only became conscious
Forever seems like so long until I think of all the times spent waiting
I don’t remember any anesthesia after talking with you but I woke up stitched back
The hands of this watch haven’t moved since the last time you did and I’m not sure if I’m ready to hear the ticking