If I was once the tallest mountain your love was the wind that eroded me to nothing
I was like a rain cloud over a small garden and dammit if you weren’t that garden so full of flowers that I fell in love
You asked what I knew about you and I thought up a list of twenty things
I see no joyous rebirth in spring for autumn will bring another death I see no joyous rebirth
Under the weight of life I forget how to breathe and I feel suffocated I hesitantly make peace with the world
Loving you was never sweet like the taste of vanilla the way I thought it was supposed to be It was more like
My heart was paper now folded six times over to make it harder to tear I only hope that
I write sharp words with a sharper knife on page after page of what might as well be the skin of my back
I don’t remember any anesthesia after talking with you but I woke up stitched back
Everyday brings a new death in three words give or take Some days I drown
Just when I get back on my feet you pass on by and I lose my footing Again
I have whispered your name into the air so many times it has become the breeze that blows
I wrote this while thinking of you so I guess you could say this poem is eight years in the making
To put it simply each beat of your heart is a gift that I receive with the anticipation of a child at christmas
The road is long and winding like nothing you can imagine Too many off ramps to count but too few in hindsight