Nelson D Reyes

Until Time Is No More

           Until Time is No More
Going through the seasonal changes
Life finds respite regains a new phase
Like the sun as it pauses before pivoting
Rising to its journey to renewal to spring
From the longest night of darkness
To joy and celebration of the daylight
As the winter solstice gives way
To a brilliant newness of light of life
The momentary suspension a pivot
A celebration that paves the way
To the arrival of vernal equinox
The coming back of creativity
Colors to a seemingly barren landscape
Underneath a cornucopia of
Stored life sustaining resources
To thrive from by sharing amongst us
We look forward to our journey
Beyond our centennial new challenges
Profound changes in all facets of life
As we step into the threshold of the robotics
The third decade 21st Century
With our truths faith hope and love
And time proven wisdom we gained
Sought found and held through the ages
Nothing is taken for granted
Having come this far into our life
Strive we will and thrive as before
Coalesce our many resources for the good life
To achieve the goals we set for our future
We have a multitude of friends to thank for
Ever grateful to our families who stood by us
Passion conviction in the work we do
Passion and conviction to love life
Give respect to a fellow human being
We remain stouthearted until time is no more
Photo:ndr Durham sky 7:16am November 8, 2022

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