Nelson D Reyes

the time is always now

...share the smile...the smile sheltered in your heart...

the time is always now
we have come to the threshold
we take off our footwear
socks and all bare feet we stood
we leave behind the door
all our baggage warts and all
you can cross over the threshold
with only one thing with you -
your heart– a smiling heart
all other things let go
in your heart no matter
the size dwells love nurtured
in our mother’s womb
within that heart is empathy
where intuition resides
not a fiber in the heart
related to selfishness
respecting each other
honoring each other
for the love of life we
cultivate the friendship
to create more space
for love and acceptance
be at peace with yourself
not prove yourself
channel the energy
to keeping your sanity
grab a time to share a smile
with someone... even if a flitting one
it may never happen again
time flies faster than light
fly sing with the songbirds
follow their lead to roost happy
with laughter and love and caring
you long for... and can give as well
hold hands with your friends
and loved ones any time you can
give yourself... a smile of your life
the smile your heart...
has been sheltering for you...
treat yourself– and share the smile... the    time is always now
©ndr 04.12.2024
Photo: Unsplash

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