Christmas Haiku
Merry Christmas!
Greenflash the Iguana dance . . . Sun sets
Hey Look! Ghoulishly slipping Halloween blue moon waning Peeking through black clouds A Tuesday night angst hanging
Wild Trust A prey nourishing A hungry moment in peace Stills a deadly wait In the calming of the mind
fire under our skin ...a thin layer of fire under our skin burning as we desire to be
My dear Brutus It is so painful... you’re sadden… Smile just to stop the hurt you gr… Your soul convoluted cries so much… Helpless can not withdraw from the…
Into Fall ...we settle... green leaves into… The tar sheen night sky cloud brie… A tired silver disc moon warily gl… Hide back as more dark sky clouds…
Raining so much after so much heat from the early summer sun that I decided to visit an old friend down in the deep blue sea by the deepest ocean trench on paradise earth. And I saw him...
A Life Song The dawning of joy Harbinger of fun July Is here now stretching Straight to Thanksgiving
a life journey of love will you come meet me embrace the love I give? you hear the voice from within you take refuge... in all he’s in
Silent Eyes Gently we lie down Not a word any spoken Silent eyes we smiled . . .
Gothic Shadows the impalers Out from the cavernous Dark womb fly vampires zombies Winged shadows of death
In Pure Bliss There’s pain as you walk Limping to the bathroom why To yourself you talk No smile on your face
Dream Statues “Give me your...” Castles in the
Tic and Tac the beauty and the clown Once upon a time there was a half… He was so pathetic and lonely didn… He deserved not the legendary long…
politics sweet talking leaders many their ilks world over endless clone looters ***