Nelson D Reyes

spread light spread love

...a tiny blue dot floating in space with light...spread the light of love...

spread light spread love
outside our bubble
sun’s universe outer space
been said lies the all
more expanse no bounds
a space larger than cosmos
ever expands endlessly
infinite universes
bubble islands all yonder
time space matter energy
hues of sequin star clusters
we muse and romance about
we dream and make love under
where light has yet to travel
sadly though no one can see
our solar bubble swallowed
billion lightyears prior in
black hole event horizon
where light went down with the sun
life’s agent given to death
musing and romancing end
future scene of planet blue
but earth is only one dot
in trillions of dots scientists
say in one galaxy called
Milky Way our home in space
and trillions more are floating
in a space observable
only imagination
can conjure an image of
a space outside another
a space that shows a rainbow
double and circle at times
and in a place we possess
in a home our hearts reserve
in our heart of hearts we know
that nothing in the vast sky
yet unknown as well had not
been reached by light Genesis
get-go from chaos
the light of life scattered wide
propagate spread love
©ndr 10.21.2023
Photo: NASA online
Video:”one little candle” Perry Como, 3:11 minutes  https://youtu.be/2Xxs1pWgvAk?si=A8mnHZXlbRV3Oqms

...hold the fire of death...share the light of life...worldwide...

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