Nelson D Reyes

smiles across the galaxies

there’s so much to smile about, keep smiling...from my mom

           smiles across the galaxies
happiness is
where you find it
laughters there are
in the loves you have
share  the  smiles
from  your  heart
short is the time we have
on this glorious planet
the only eden
in all the cosmos we know
so small an unseen speck
of space is our sands of time
live by faith
live the hope
live by charity
live the life
seize that time
fill in that space
smile that smile
grab the life
radiate with your smile
in the dark empty lightyears
between the vast clusters of flickering
galaxies and parallel black universes
scatter light
shine brighten the pathways
of the nothingness
in the hearts of your mind
in the infinite horizons
of the setting rainbow stars
and rising gemstone moons
your soul will find a home
Photo: Online Hubble Telescope star cluster

we are not here to merely exist...we are here to smile and scatter the light

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