Sacred In Your Heart
There is a sacred place
In my soul
I love you
You gave me your all
Your love unconditionally
Lately I saw
In your eyes the sadness
Sorrow I felt
You waited
Eternally for the doors to open
Noises familiar to you
Me to appear be with you again
You soulfully
Greeted not in your usual
Happy way
Loud nasal joyful voice
I felt sadden
Still not fully
Your sorrow your pain
I let you out
Fresh air you need
I thought invigorating
Put a smile on your face
Even nudged you
Not knowing the pain
Your eyes are showing
Not at the moment you softly said no
Deeply in pain
Now I know
You sought comfort
The love you know always there from me
Yes you have
Without reservation like yours
This place in my soul
Sacred as you hold a place immortalized
In your heart for me
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Photo: ndrTopsailBeachNC