Nelson D Reyes

Love Always Wins always wins that in the end...“When all is said and done we’re all just walking each other home.” -Ram Dass

                        Love Always Wins
In the love aura
Love is a wonderful state to be in
  if anchored in friendship
As well friendship is a blessing
  if anchored in love
We are all truly lucky supporting
  each other
By however much we could
Never lose our sense of being in love
Being in the love aura
We come together
In many different ways
Along the path ways of friendship -
Our preferences
Celebrations of events
Turning points in life
Births and deaths
Rain or shine through rough roads
  and weather
Through scenic beautifully travelled roads
  as well
We come together
On the road of life
The negative
The positive things encountered
The dead ends
The forks in the road
These are merely transitions steps
  pivoting through
Where we are going
From our first scream
The fate given us from birth
The cry to live a meeting
The reconnection
  with our loved ones lost
Detours we overcome
On the trodden road
We find
Our place in the sun
Build our nest
Exactly the same way
Our bird friends do
Turn to the pages in their heart
A plan that’s been placed there at birth
Mindfully they gather the pieces
Put them together with love
Give safety and comfort for the nestlings
Happiness to grow be on their own home
They will find
Knowing that
Love will always win
During trials and tribulations
Strive we do to succeed
In the task that lies ahead
The most powerful
Important feeling
That makes the world
To carry on its place under the sun
Sustain the well being of all
Love is
Caring for each other so that life
On this God’s little acre
In the vastness of the universe
May thrive forever and ever
Knowing that love always wins
The love our Creator gifted us
The basis of our existence
The source of our strength
The fuel that is always available
Sans carbon footprint whatsoever
Organic from our mother’s womb
Embedded in our psyche
Our soul our spirit our being
Love –our life force
Will always win
(c) ndr 06.04.2023
Photo: online stock Amazon
Video: John Denver in London “Perhaps Love” 4:23 minutes always wins that in the end...“When all is said and done we’re all just walking each other home.” -Ram Dass

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